Attitude is Gratitude!

It's Thanksgiving here in the States and we've just completed a multi back to back event schedule.
Tired? You betcha.
Grateful? Extremely so.
My heart is overflowing with such great joy at witnessing so many AHAs in personal lives while at my lectures and during private readings and even during our Private Weekend Client's time with us.
THIS is what motivates me and gets me juiced up; seeing you expand your love of self and through that raising the barometer of your worthiness. SOME argue with me about it. Not in soaring, but in the messages of how they could get there. In fact, just this morning, I received a note from an expo client who was not happy... I responded with great love and stayed centered. I apologized for what she thinks she heard... but know that what was relayed (I remember her wishing to hear different answers, but I cannot lie well if at all), was right. You know those nudges that won't go away until spoken? It was that kind of thing. I continue to wish her well, but odds are she won't be back.
That's OK... I'm still very grateful for this. Not too long ago I would have been frazzled and very upset that I didn't do something 'right'. While I still did that dance, I asked most humbly if the messages relayed were incorrect. A quick wing slap followed and said 'no, she isn't ready to move forward.'
Okay then.
Gratefulness comes in all packages! Like this little one about standing taller in my truth and not backing down.
Gratefulness comes with BEing giddy with little moments, like now with Schroeder curled up next to me begging for attention. It's the purring that can melt your heart every time.
Gratefulness comes with a Happy Dance knowing family is about to descend upon our home. This means laughter, hugs and a few surprises will be forthcoming.
Gratefulness comes in the form of High Fives when I see our Facebook Group sharing all that they are grateful for. It does a heart good to share the happy, doesn't it?
Gratitude is an emotion, an energy. When we step into that energy, we allow more to come forward that supports us on our mission. However, I've learned a thing or two or three. Gratitude is meant to be savored, reveled and owned. When gratitude seeps deeper into the heart, it BEcomes a part of you. If we stay giddy about it (which is typically how it starts), it doesn't have a chance to settle in and BE. When we BEcome gratitude, we see more of what there is to BE grateful for and allow ourselves to embrace that too.
Life isn't about just witnessing and wishing. It's about BEing. BEing grateful for the ups is certainly easier than BEing grateful for the challenges. Remember, those challenges are there to shed light on your strength and love. Those challenges can offer the reminder to you personally how far you've grown in Love of Self.
What are you grateful for? Get ready to soar into 2018, The Year of Love. The stage is BEing set now for all that you desire. Will you allow yourself to BE grateful for all that has happened to get you there?
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