Spring is the rebirthing time

Spring is my favorite season. It may have to do with that is the season I was born into and yet who knows.
What I do know is that I get giddy every single spring when life begins anew. To give witness to the plants coming back after a long hibernation. To hear the birds singing their chorus each and every day upon awakening. To see all the various shades of green as each tree and bush comes to life. To have my senses awaken and drink in the new.
What a metaphor Spring is for us. To take this time of regeneration, renewal and rebirth to focus on what matters to us. To allow ourselves some slack that we are indeed far from perfect and it's time we stop pretending we are. To allow this time to refocus on what matters to us; what exactly are our dreams and how can we now better manifest them into this reality.
I just had this kind of chat this morning on one of Gabi's and my magical walks through the woods near our home.
The Metaphor
We had some big storms barrel through in the past week and since today is rather sunny and much warmer off to the woods it was for us. Besides, Gabi hadn't gone swamping in a few days and was letting me know...
As we entered, there is a typical spot where we stop and Gabi refreshes her self with a light stroll through the water. Today was no different. What was different is that instead of jumping into the woods there, I was told to go back stay on the main trail.
For once I listened immediately.
Back to the main trail; however, there is a spot that has quick access to the stream we typically walk with and the water way is currently so swollen we were at least 30' away from the trail and still standing in water!
We then backed up yet again and headed straight to the river. While the photo may seem unremarkable at first glance. Look closely, the river is so swollen that she is up a good five feet. Now, one could walk in (do not recommend as the tide was moving quickly). Typically one has to jump down to the shoreline.
The river is very pregnant you might say and swollen as women tend to get prior to birth.
Taking the Road Less Traveled
Okay, this trail is obviously a trail, but we had to divert a few times due to the river cascading onto the trails. Higher ground was the answer. Gabi and I both reveled in the birth of all the flowers and wildlife in the area. In fact we ran into another goddess who had just seen a wild turkey!
As we meandered on this mostly dry trail we were able to relax a bit (although Gabi was perturbed that there was no off leashing done today.) and to stop and literally smell the flowers, see the birds dancing on the river and to use the metaphor to enjoy the journey and not race to the finish line. Trust me, there is no medal for getting done first in this thing call life unless you consider death medal worthy. Enjoy the journey and all of its twists and turns!
The journey continues
As we meandered across the forest still hearing the river dancing in the distance the idea came in that we are all going through a pregnancy of sorts at this time. What are we gestating?
Bottom line, where is our energy focused? Is it on lack? Then more lack will show itself. Is it on new projects (so guilty here, more books, jewelry designs and aromatherapy). Is it taking that proverbial leap and know we shall be caught? Guilty here too as we just finished planning a real vacation at the end of this year; first one in a good five years.
I ponder this pregnancy thing along this trail and gave myself a good talking to on what I was birthing as compared to what I want to BE birthing. Some were the same and some vasty different. I suggest you have the same kind of conversation with yourself.
This IS the Year of Love. The more we can love on ourselves the more we shall love life. This is not a selfish act by any means, but recognizing our desires, our dreams and needs and giving ourselves permission to create and receive them into a full blown manifestation.
There are so many ways to love on yourself; a walk in the woods - shocker I know that I even mention this one, taking a class just because, taking time out to journal and allow our minds to wander on our baby. Writing down these kinds of ideas and giving ourselves permission to BE to deepen our energy to that baby not only amps up the energy surrounding that creation, but offers details on the physical manifestation of it in your life.
We finally finished the trails and came back to the main path to head towards home. We passed by a few rather large puddles only to see babies! Yes there are tadpoles birthing in puddles! I find this extremely cool that the metaphor came full circle or better yet manifestation. Think about it:
- The swollen river representing pregnancy
- The journey and how the path is rarely truly straight
- And finally the birth of babies.
All it takes to manifest your desires, in the form of energy is the allowing the process to happen. Allow yourself the time to dream, imagine and feel it happening. Allow yourself to receive, in other words, know you are worthy to receive all that is desired.
Remember, there is truly never a perfect time to have a human baby. There always seems to be bills to be paid off, things to acquire, etc. before it's ready for Baby. Likewise, there is really never a perfect time to take time for yourself because there is always something that seems to be calling louder and requiring our attention. Like dishes. Or ironing. Or errands. Or...
Except YOU ought to be first and foremost at all times. Take some time during the remainder of this moon phase to focus on your dreams.
What to Do
Take that time, that precious (Oh I'm sooo busy time) and make it yours. Remember, if you don't take yourself seriously, nobody else will.
Keep a journal nearby. Write in said journal. Make categories if need be.
Take time to dream. Rome wasn't built in a day. A baby isn't born overnight. These babies of ours need nurturing. These babies need coddling. These babies need thought so we can live our dreams as we desire.
Aren't you worth it?
I think so as does Chamuel, the Angel of Self Love. We all could love ourselves more to allow what is desired to be born.
Here's to you.
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