Angel Chatter Blog
I am often asked how can I do this or that? The 'This' or 'That' implies to better embracing and owning one own’s spirituality. It all starts with YOU. It starts within. It starts at the beginning. Step One Meditation...
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So many of you have reached out with questions of disbelief, low energy levels, not feeling 100% and more. I get it. Let's look to our most recent past. We had a partial lunar and solar eclipse. We had our first full...
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Yesterday was 7 - 7 - 2017. A door opened as an opportunity for all to step through and reclaim their birthright; their true divinity. This is not the divinity that society has forced upon you (you know, all those lovely...
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This Sunday, February 26, 2017, we have another whammy event: New Moon combined with a Solar Eclipse. You may say 'SHAZAM' now. Many of you are already feeling the energy build; perhaps you have felt a web or veil covering...
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What a shift, an Angel Goddess chatting football? Kinda sorta Thanks to my Honey, I got an article about the Patriots Quarterback, Tom Brady, with the headline: I'm Not Going to Give Away My Power WOW! The article goes on...
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