What on Earth is going on?

What on Earth is going on? - Angel Chatter

So many of you have reached out with questions of disbelief, low energy levels, not feeling 100% and more.

I get it.

Let's look to our most recent past.

We had a partial lunar and solar eclipse.

We had our first full solar eclipse in decades here in the States.

Two hurricanes just barreled through the States with unrelenting force, leaving too much devastation in their wake.

Think the energy is churned up? Of course it is! Why wouldn't it affect you? No matter where you live, energy is energy and it travels. This shift has hit everyone, at various levels. I'm no exception. I returned to our home away from the beach fer reals over the past few days. While our home was not in disarray, it needed some TLC and waking up. 

Wake it up I did; cleaning each and every room top to bottom. Baseboards, windows, files, etc. all cleaned and purged. As I went from room to room I carried Michael's Sacred Candle with me bringing in the energy of protection while the kaka got swept up and away. 

The house now feels great.

However, I was pretty exhausted (not a great way to start show season) and I realize a new not so nice portal had opened in our backyard. Even Gabi was anxious going out the back to play, relax and well whatever dogs do. She confirmed what I thought/knew; something was icky out there. Work was quickly assigned to The Gang and Mystical Creatures to close it off and send the unwanted energies back home (we don't displace around here and leaving someone else to deal with it all - not good karma in my book).

In the midst of this I facilitated a guided meditation with my students last night. It went well; however the reaction wasn't the typical WOW! Many felt a bit afraid afterwards - OH DEAR

Ironically prior to the meditation we chatted about encountering new things - mystical creatures included - and how at times we push things away even if it is the very thing that is need at that moment in time. Why? Bottom line, it's something new. New can be scary. Especially if it is a powerful new tool often one doesn't feel worthy to have such a tool. I get that as well. I've turned away help many a time because I would think who am I to garner such assistance? 

I toss back to you - why don't you deserve all the help you request/desire? Especially now with the energy swirling and twirling all over the place. Why wouldn't you allow outside assistance from The Winged and Haloed Gang or a Crystal (we have super cool sceptres), or a Unicorn or a Centaur or a ....

See where I'm going with this? Life is about asking and receiving. Not just the winning lottery ticket, but also in the day to day of life. From having your home protected as you clean, to your yard so it's safe for all to enjoy, to yes maybe winning the lottery. 



I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this one powerful topic... allowing the assistance to come through even if you haven't asked for it. Trust me, they know when you are ready. 




  • Didi

    That meditation was such a blessing for me. I’ve never been more in awe in my life, aside from helping others with past life regression stuff. This was me experiencing it first hand, and I felt more love than anything. So thank you <3

  • Kathy Huslage
    Yes…..seriously, I feel like I cannot handle even ONE more solar flare! Even tho I felt OK about My house being clean (Mark even steam cleaned the carpets recently), My GARDEN needed dead leaves cleared away, and ALL dead and dying cut out and thrown away…ahh…! I AM SOOOO ready for “new” to happen! My Energy Worker Lady has told Me that I already have a HUGE Centaur as a protector, so….yay! : ) And as I AM learning to “trust the process” and “go with the Flow”, at the same time I AM believing and CLAIMING that I AM DESERVING of ALL help from God for whatever it takes to get the MacTube produced! : ) AMEN!

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