Angel Chatter Blog

Happy New Year Chatterers! With 2016 still fresh in many minds of the tumultuous times, changing times, not sure which way to turn times...It is indeed time to start anew, fresh and create life as YOU wish. Why this sense of...
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Yesterday, December 28, 2016, marked the last new moon of this year. It falls under the zodiac sign of Capricorn. This brilliant new moon holds within it some of the highest octane energies. Many are sharing feelings of itchiness (literally...
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With the presidential election still raw in many minds, I sat in quiet contemplation yesterday at various times trying to make 'sense of the madness' that was swirling around me; riots, family calling in tears, confusion at an all time...
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We were at a beautiful expo this past weekend and the common theme hands down amongst my many clients was LOVE. Many yearning to find their soulmate and twin flame. Many are in a relationship but one of them is...
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Hurricane Matthew has hit Haiti, Cuba and preparing to make landfall on the United States. While Haiti has suffered catastrophic damage of life and property, it doesn't stop me from still 'blowing' Hurricane Matthew East simply through using the power of...
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