2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1

Happy New Year Chatterers!
With 2016 still fresh in many minds of the tumultuous times, changing times, not sure which way to turn times...It is indeed time to start anew, fresh and create life as YOU wish.
Why this sense of 'urgency' now? Well, it's really not news if you have been following me and subscribing to the monthly newsletter, but NOW is pretty much the time to set the stage for the remainder of your life.
Want to start a new career? Look into it, even if it means going back to school. I know a young man (they get younger as I get older) that switched careers in his thirties and while he may be starting 'over', he couldn't be happier. There is always a way; if you wish it to manifest enough. Will it take time? Perhaps. Just don't let the 'if onlys' get you... you know... if only I had more money to go back to school (there are scholarships for that), if only I had more time (you can find the time), if only I had more support. (join our sacred group on Facebook and you will receive plenty of support there)
Why now? The numbers, 2017 add up to the number 10. This beautiful number represents completion with the '0' and new beginnings with the '1'. In other words, as the past year came into its completion (you may now breathe a huge sigh of relief), it is time to start fresh.
Even if that means you reinvent yourself. Isn't that evolving is all about? Not necessarily reinventing one's self, but coming back to your truest self. It is more imperative than ever to listen to the whisperings of your heart and follow its lead. It is time to stop listening to the dramas that society creates through the fear that ego is spoon feeding all. It is time to take that blessed breath, close your eyes and use this Askfirmation:
Why is it so easy for me to live the life of my dreams?
Then allow the angels to answer and show you how to get there. It's up to you to take that first step and the one after that and the one after that. It is time to break the chains that have held you back, whether they be those good intentions that folks reason with you on the whys you shouldn't do something or those ahem, blessed 'if onlys'. I speak from experience so listen carefully:
IF something doesn't get you juiced up and you are frustrated. LOOK INTO SOMETHING NEW NOW! Why? Because the angels hear your frustration and IF you don't take that step, no matter how small that step may be, they will end it for you. They only wish what is best for you and and will make 'it' end whether it is a job, living situation, relationship, etc. For that is what you ultimately yearn for. Remember, their only mission in your life is to help you live life on your terms. IF you are conforming to others and not happy in the process, they listen and heed your energy. While you may not cognitively concur that you asked for something to end, trust me that in a year's time you will be grateful it did; only IF you don't wallow (it's okay for a day or two) but then take those steps to move forward.
Here are some ways to help keep you focused with your soul's energy:
* Spend time in meditation.
* Spend time in automatic writing. You may not get discernible answers immediately, but with practice you shall.
* Take a candle, of course I prefer one of mine ;), but no matter, take an unused candle. Wrap your hands around it and set your intention. AS BIG AS YOU DESIRE. Light it daily until gone. By focusing on your intentions daily, you are gently nudged to keep going. You may have chance meetings. You may have a call from a dear friend who has the answer. You may...
This IS your year to shine brighter than ever. The world needs you as you, not me. Not your great Aunt Gertrude, not even Buddha. YOU and only YOU.
It's time.
I wish you success beyond your imagination.
I wish you love that curls your toes and lights up the sky.
I wish you happiness that is contagious.
I wish this and much more, now and always.
Beautiful! Thank You for the Words of Wisdom…great way to usher in 2017.
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