
We were at a beautiful expo this past weekend and the common theme hands down amongst my many clients was LOVE. Many yearning to find their soulmate and twin flame. Many are in a relationship but one of them is struggling as the other grows in their brilliance. This theme has continued into my Facebook Group, Angel Chatter and has certainly prompted this blog post.
What does love mean to you?
To me love is pure, bliss filled, non judgmental and being a bit vulnerable. Okay a LOT vulnerable at times. After over 31 years of being married to my honey, apparently there are still aspects within each of us that are still tender and do come out to play periodically. This vulnerability and the ability to respect it as being vulnerable has only made our relationship that much stronger. This part rears its cute little head and is a scream that it requires recognition and as you know, recognition is a form of love.
Love is about seeing the beauty within another and not desiring to change them. Love is holding up the proverbial mirror to them and allow them to see their great gifts in the hopes that they can come out to play permanently. Why? They are loved for who they are, not what they are meant to be become.
Shoot, my honey often says I did a bait and switch for when we were dating and well into our marriage this gift of chatting with the angels was not shared. How could I since I had really forgotten about it? However, my friends that I've had longer than our marriage yelled out 'It's about time!' as this field has always interested me. My gift finally came out to play permanently because my husband only challenges me to be me. He challenges me to be more of me, not somebody else. He thinks I'm beautiful, smart, funny, loving, caring and much more without trying to adapt to make him happy. All this safety wrapped up in a love hug allowed me to step out of the closet. In fact, we had a recent dinner party with some of his colleagues and they were extremely curious in the oh so positive way of what I do!
Love is letting them go to explore, play and grow and not feel threatened. In fact, I remember years ago my honey went to Italy, all by his lonesome for three weeks. Some new friends were truly shocked that I let him go! Seriously? Never gave it a second thought. He needed to this for him and we are blessed that he could go and oh the stories when he returned!
Love is unconditional. There are never conditions that are attached to love. If you find another doing this, it is not love. Let's break that stigma and simply love for the sake of it all.
Love is not dictated by who 'holds the reigns' and controls the other. Love is a partnership. One may carry another and the situation flips. It all eventually evens out to a lovely balance.
Love is being silly and allowing the other to be silly no matter what.
Love is being grumpy and knowing that they will still be there in the morning with a nice cup of tea and hug.
Love is being there. Helping them through (no matter how big it may seem) a fear based situation. Remember, all is a reflection of what is going on within you. Try a bit of ho'oponopono:
For Love is forgiving. Forgiving another and certainly self for acting human once in a while.
Love is Oneness.
Love is YOU.
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