Angel Chatter Blog

As we all continue to venture forth, Covid has not shown signs up leaving, so now it is up to us to learn to dance within the rules to keep us and all safe while living our life. The rules...
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The extraordinary Black Moon coincides with Mercury in Retrograde and the annual Lion's Gate. What does this mean for you?
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Isn't it time to stop lying? Isn't it time to Speak Your Truth? Even if speaking your truth means some relationships go adrift. Isn't it time you began living a life you are excited about? Read on to take the first step.
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Revolve. Evolve. Funny two words that sound very similar, and yet so very different. One keeps you going; like a gerbil wheel. You're making great time, but aren't moving forward one iota. In this scenario you Survive. You are treading water. The...
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Gabi and I take regular walks in the woods that I have dubbed Magical Walks. As we prepare to leave home, I pose a question for The Gang (aka the angels) that I wish them to answer while we are...
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