Angel Chatter Blog
There's this thing called Divine Timing So many who dance in my world use this term and so many get 'annoyed' when they hear it directed at them. It almost feels as an excuse or at best a...
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The first thing I heard this morning upon awakening was... Today's The Day For what? I asked. This is when they got really chatty... To stop using others as an excuse for you not being where you wish to be...
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Dearest Chatterers ~ Today marks the beginning of the rest of the year on so many levels. We will experience a Super New Moon today and the energies are without a doubt intense in that very expansive sort of way....
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Many of you have asked what is in store for next year. Abundance is the theme, but it's up to you what form the abundance takes...
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Chatterers ~ No doubt about it - many have been slammed lately energetically! From Mercury in Retrograde - my IPhone refused to act as an IPhone for a couple of weeks. Really. Even it was having an identity crisis!...
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