Angel Chatter Blog

Chatterers ~ No doubt about it - many have been slammed lately energetically!   From Mercury in Retrograde - my IPhone refused to act as an IPhone for a couple of weeks. Really. Even it was having an identity crisis!...
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In honor of my beautiful Aunt Susie, we are donating all net proceeds from any jewelry that contains a rose quartz crystal (all about self love, remember) to breast cancer research; for the month of October only.   Just think......
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Welcome to the Angel Chatter online store!  We know you’ll love how easy it is to navigate the site and find the angelic inspiration you're looking for. My hope is that you continue to be inspired and empowered with your...
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We, as humans, have made love conditional. See if any of these statements feel or sound familiar: “I love you. Be careful.” “I’d love him/her more if only he/she did (or didn’t) do...” “I’d love you if you’d stop nagging...
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