Angel Chatter Blog

Why am I feeling this way?
Let's just put it out there; the energy is over the top wonky for many at this moment. Yes, we can put blame onto the eclipses, hurricanes, moon cycles and more. These are certainly contributing to feelings of anxiety, depression, uneasiness...
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What on Earth is going on?
So many of you have reached out with questions of disbelief, low energy levels, not feeling 100% and more. I get it. Let's look to our most recent past. We had a partial lunar and solar eclipse. We had our first full...
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The time is now...
The time is now for you to reclaim your truest essence. The time is now for you to stand tall in your perfectly imperfect perfection. The time is now to allow all the juiciness you desire to come forward so...
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Why I LOVE you
I don't love you for: The color of your skin because it looks like mine The amount of money in your wallet or bank account What the scale says you weigh The color of your hair The color of your...
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