Angel Chatter Blog

Money - this was an interesting channeling that Angel Chamuel offered in the way of allowing and self love.
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Does your mind ever play games with you? Mine does. I begin to wonder if this illusion we call life is real and if I am who I say I am.
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First, let's define the word portend. Good ol' Webster has it going that something momentous is coming. This could be calamitous. This could be glorious. This could be a mix of both. This is happening NOW. Much, MUCH has been fluffed up just in...
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As many of you know, I channeled the Angel Chatter Oracle Deck in two weeks a few years back. I've gotten this question lately: How do I use the deck and how are oracle cards different than tarot cards? GREAT...
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Life can be a funny thing, can't it? We yearn for different, better, etc. and yet we fight against the change. We crave the change and then run from it when it's presented. And yet we are constantly changing and...
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