Angel Chatter Blog

The Energy
Many of my clients, students, and I will admit myself, are feeling the massive energy shifts of late.  Do any of these feelings ring a bell for you? Feelings of hopelessness More emotional than your norm Unsure of the future...
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Chatting with The Angels
As you may know, I've been chatting with The Gang, as I call the angels, since a child in the crib.  That may sound super cool, but it wasn't always cool. I struggled with this gift when I learned around four...
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Freedom Within Your Sacred Space
Let's talk about your physical space this week, otherwise known as your home.   A house is a building. A home is where you live and build your life. It is a sanctuary and refuge. A place where laughter, Love,...
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What does being free mean to me?
This month, the members in Respite  chose the topic of Freedom.    The Magdalene and The Gang concurred; therefore, we will all be delving a bit deeper into this topic throughout June in the hopes that you will be spurred on to create...
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