What does being free mean to me?

This month, the members in Respite chose the topic of Freedom.
The Magdalene and The Gang concurred; therefore, we will all be delving a bit deeper into this topic throughout June in the hopes that you will be spurred on to create the life you desire because you deserve it.
If you live in the United States, the term freedom may bring forth thoughts of the bald eagle, the Declaration of Independence, and perhaps the star-spangled banner.
We aren’t going there.
This month we will focus on what Freedom can mean for you.
For example, can you imagine how liberating and freeing it would be to drive your car after you have been physically unable to drive any vehicle for months or even years?
How freeing would it feel to purchase whatever car you desire without worrying about its cost?
How freeing, would it be to do what you desire when you desire to do it; to travel, sleep, run errands, make appointments, exercise, attend classes, and, well, anything you desire!
Allow your mind to wander at this moment and ask yourself:
What does being free mean to me?
If you have your own business, it may be making more money in fewer hours.
If you are overweight, it could mean losing the excess.
If you are hiding your essence, it could mean sharing your brilliance.
That is where you will focus; sharing your brilliance.
You have so many gifts. Not all of your gifts will ever be shared with the world, and that’s ok. You have some gifts that will only be shared with a select few, and that’s ok. You have at least one gift woven into the very fiber of your being destined to be shared with the world. If you hide that gift, that’s not ok.
This beautiful gift within you helps to define your essence. For example, teaching is one of mine. I can’t recall ever desiring to be a teacher in the traditional sense, but here I am, teaching tools, sharing information, and empowering people worldwide. You know what? I absolutely friggin’ LOVE it!
How can you get to that place?
It starts with honoring that spark inside of you. The spark that keeps beckoning you repeatedly with an idea, a mission, a goal.
That idea, concept, or goal makes you giddy, even if you don’t know how it can happen. That’s the idea, Darling! You do not need to know how!
It’s stepping into that element of trust and showing up daily to do something towards that goal, no matter how big or seemingly insignificant it may seem outwardly. These are your goals, concepts, and ideas. Not mine. Not anyone else’s.
So wouldn’t it stand to reason that the universe, The Gang, and your other guides are conspiring to make it happen just for you? Of course, it makes sense because it is happening.
Drink that in
It IS Happening
How did that make you feel?
- Squeamish?
- Excited?
- Shocked?
- Freeing?
- Teary-eyed?
All of the above and perhaps more?
If feelings of squeamish-ness over-rode everything, let’s look at that momentarily. Those kinds of emotions were born in the energies of unworthiness. If you feel your stomach knotting up, that’s ok; that’s just your humanness showing itself. Let’s call on Chamuel, The Angel of Self Love, to unshackle those chains so your heart can blossom full of Love for yourself. So full of Love that you openly honor your gifts and desires. Some may call you selfish; let them. You and I both know you are simply taking care of yourself so you can take care of them better.
PS - Don’t worry; as your heart fills and overflows, the Love overflow floats outward to the universe and where it is needed most.
Let’s do a quick but powerful exercise:
Sit quietly, and if called, place your hands over your heart.
Breathe in Love
Exhale stress
Breathe in Love
Exhale stress
Breathe in Love
Exhale stress
Allow your mind to wander if it desires. Allow yourself to see it unfolding and blossoming in your world. Dip into your future to hear, see, smell, and know that it is happening. The longer you linger in your future, the more the details emerge.
Dance in this moment until they are moments. Dance in these moments until it feels natural.
Give thanks and enjoy this glimpse of your possible future.
It’s only possible because it still relies heavily on you.
It’s how you choose to proceed so it can unfold with ease. This is not a burden weighing heavily upon your shoulders. There is no weight, for it is already within you. It is a part of your soul’s DNA. Remember, these are your desires, goals, and aspirations. Not mine, nor anyone else’s.
Therefore, it is written within your soul that you will experience this in this lifetime.
You have a glorious gift, many actually, but the one I currently reference is Free Will.
You have the free will to:
- Get out of bed daily or stay there with your covers over your head
- Eat more healthily, or not
- Exercise, or not
- Play, or not
- Converse with friends, make new friends, or not
- Take steps that nourish your dreams or not
You have this kind of control and power because you are that powerful and gifted.
There I said it - YOU are that powerful and gifted. It is up to you to share your gift or go back to the familiar and pine away for different while not doing anything.
Here are some examples:
If you desire to be an author, wouldn’t it make sense to take some courses to be a better writer and write daily?
If you wish for luscious gardens, you kinda need some seeds, plants, and a bit of patience to play with the weeds or their eradication.
If you wish to win the lottery, you must leave your home and purchase a ticket.
Everything you desire requires input and action from you.
I promise you that once you begin to take those new steps and they become part of you, you can never go back.
And that is very liberating and freeing.
So liberating and freeing and, dare I add, peaceful.
It’s your time. Everyone is now given opportunities to shift and make their life more peaceful and filled with grace. You have the choice to continue to argue and push back or finally say yes to yourself and take those steps forward.
What served you last year, ten years ago, heck, 42 years ago, may not still serve you. Don’t live in the past; live in the present and make plans for your future.
Your future? It’s written in the stars, and it’s pretty glorious.
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