What can Angel Cards do for you?

As many of you know, I channeled the Angel Chatter Oracle Deck in two weeks a few years back. I've gotten this question lately:
How do I use the deck and how are oracle cards different than tarot cards?
GREAT questions!
Both kinds of cards; tarot and oracle, are created to help inspire and empower the user. They are forms of divination. Tarot has been in active use since the mid 15th century. Oracle cards are a much newer divination tool and have been in use since the mid 19th century. Both have value and honestly I believe have been around much longer than the history books may show. My thought is that oracle cards came to be after tarot because tarot can truly take a lifetime to master and folks wanted a simpler, more direct way to divine messages from the universe and beyond. I personally don't use tarot because it makes my hair hurt. I always choose to go simple in anything. Don't always succeed, but when possible, simple is the go to option.
Oracle cards are typically more straight forward than tarot, no suits and cards within said suits, etc. However, many oracle decks seem to be designed as a tarot deck wanna be; beautifully and heavily illustrated with different meanings depending if the card was upside down, flew out, etc.
Still complicated for some. Why can't a message be a message? Why does the illustration have to have a meaning too? Why can't the message just BE? Why does it have to have the reverse meaning if presented in a different way? These are the sorts of questions I often found myself asking with no clear answer ... ever. If you are a seasoned reader, I'm sure you can make a logical argument as to the whys, but again this delves into hair hurting territory.
I like simple.
With that in mind, the Angel Chatter Oracle Deck was born. For starters, no illustrations; or the ones that are typically assigned to oracle cards. The only art on this deck is the abstract rose in the top left hand corner; everything does indeed come from LOVE. The other? The angel's sigil; the symbol that has been proven to me via clients and customers to strengthen your connection with that angel. Lastly, the angel's message. As I often say the message now can stand on its own merit and doesn't matter if it flies out, is twirling on its head or upside down; the message is the message.
How to use them? As with many things, there are a variety of ways. Here are some of my favorites:
- Pull one card daily. This helps to focus on a specific energy throughout the day. For example if the Breathe card is pulled, you are invited to remember this throughout your day if stressed, are exercising, or simply need a moment or two to self.
- Do a spread. There are many kinds of spreads out there and each one will also have its own merit. A spread is best done when you have ample time to sit with the cards and focus on each message and how it pertains/relates to you. A spread is very beneficial when there is a situation in your life when one card simply won't suffice. A spread can be as few as three cards up to ? A six card spread is offered in our guidebook.
- You could also pull the cards that all relate to a specific angel. As an example, if you are on a conscious Self Love Journey, pulling all of Chamuel's (Angel of Self Love) cards will help to reinforce how important it is to LOVE self first and foremost.
Hopefully this has simplified these age old questions as you step more confidently on your chosen path to BE. I look forward to reading your comments below and feel free to share the Chatter!
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