Angel Chatter Blog

Mercury Retrograde February-March, 2020
Well it's here... again, Mercury is doing its retrograde dance.  What does this literally mean? How and why does Mercury go into retrograde? In a nutshell, Mercury is one of the faster moving planets in our solar system as it can...
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What IF?
Today's Channeled Message from Metatron seems to have hit a nerve with many of you...EXCELLENT! If you haven't seen it, here goes: Little One ~ Let's play, shall we? Let us play the What If Game? What IF you won?What IF...
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YOU ARE Ahead of the Curve
That's true. Read the blog post title again:  You ARE Ahead of the Curve This is often hard to believe and BE, embrace and own your power when seemingly all focus is on social media following, sales and ratings and...
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It's Called Choice
You may not be able to choose how you feel, but you have the choice of how you react. Every day we are given choices. A choice to act/react, speak/silent, love/hate and so on. As example: We can cut our...
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Change Can BE Scary, but does it have to BE?
Change CAN BE Scary Who reading this hasn't wanted, desired, dreamed of something better than what currently is?  Come on, you know you have.  However, desiring something is one thing. Actually going after it is another thing altogether.  Why? It...
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