Angel Chatter Blog

What is exactly Ikigai? It's one of my new favorite and empowering words. Read on to learn, hopefully, a thing or two.
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Who hasn't gotten strung out while traveling at some point? Whether it is in the car, bus, train or plane? Come on, admit it. You know you have, at least once. As we traveled, yet again, for a metaphysical show...
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We will BE going deeper periodically from now on. Afterall, life isn't just lollipops and roses as you well know and it's time we took our essence deeper with a knowing. This week we BEgin to explore one of three...
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If you have been with me for a while, you know that each year The Angelics offer up one word as the Theme for the year. I've been pondering 2020's word and they more or less wing slapped me this...
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You asked for it. Read on for the very ritual of Sacred Space Clearing that I perform in our home.
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