Angel Chatter Blog

How Much Do You Actually LOVE Yourself?
Here we are again. Thanks for joining in on this rather empowering and sensitive and elusive topic of loving one's self more, without coming across as narcissistic. It is a balancing act, but one worth walking for unless you do,...
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CHANGE - How Much Do You Really Desire It?
Don’t we all desire change?  Something to BE better in our life? Things like: Income Home Car Relationships Health and well you get the idea.  However, when push comes to shove, it’s the rare person that says they wish to...
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Appreciate the Lull
The energies have shifted, again. Many of you have reported in to share how you are feeling this shift; almost like the light at the end of the tunnel is FINALLY BEginning to glow and glow brightly. This energy shift...
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Many of you have reached out over the years to inquire about another's qualifications to perform their tasks in the metaphysical world and those queries have increased ten fold in recent months. Why more now? Let’s face it, the world...
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Initially I wasn’t going to write a blog post this week. Why I hear you ask. Simply because my computer hiccuped all day on Monday and then crashed. Crashed as in it didn’t acknowledge the password, although acknowledge the password...
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