Angel Chatter Blog

2021 = Year of Grace
As you may know, The Gang, aka the Angelics, offer a word for the upcoming year. This is a word we can individually as well as collectively call upon as a constant reminder in our own evolutionary/ascension path. They have...
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Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos
I know, I know, there was no blog posting from last week. Please accept my apologies.  This week we've much going on energetically as well as literally. Buckle your seatbelt it's going to BE a crazy ride! The Literal Ongoing We've...
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Letting Go
For those that follow and join me in conversation on social media, you know we most definitely lost a bright light in our family just over one week ago.  My brother in law lost his battle against cancer.  As most...
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It's all about LOVE
What is LOVE? How dare I LOVE myself more in order to live that life I desire? Isn't that selfish?Isn't that narcissitic? These are frequent questions and comments I hear with students, clients, mentees and other amazing Chatterers.  Let's address these:...
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