Angel Chatter Blog

So many of you have reached out with questions of disbelief, low energy levels, not feeling 100% and more. I get it. Let's look to our most recent past. We had a partial lunar and solar eclipse. We had our first full...
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The first backward dance of Mercury is about to happen; April 9, 2017 and goes until May 3, 2017. When Mercury goes retrograde it may seem like all hell is breaking loose and we run for cover. If one does...
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We arrived home late on Sunday after an intense, powerful and loving one day show held about one hour away from home. In a 'perfect' world I take Mondays off after a show, or the day after we arrive home,...
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Releasing old only brings on the NEW! Keep repeating that.. Nobody said releasing or getting rid of stuff was going to be easy. In fact it can be difficult, anxiety ridden, and full of doubts. Something that most avoid...
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There's this thing called Divine Timing So many who dance in my world use this term and so many get 'annoyed' when they hear it directed at them. It almost feels as an excuse or at best a...
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