Angel Chatter Blog

The Basics of Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is not a new phenomena. We’ve been bombarded with phrases such as: You Are What You Think Energy Goes Where Attention Flows You Create Your Own Reality Ask and...
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We've another Full Moon approaching in a few days... this one is in Virgo. As many of you are aware, astrology makes my hair hurt. I know I'm an Aries, but please don't ask what the sun or moon were...
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As I too grow and learn I realize on a daily basis how fortunate I am to have such a strong support network. That includes you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. Even if...
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What a shift, an Angel Goddess chatting football? Kinda sorta Thanks to my Honey, I got an article about the Patriots Quarterback, Tom Brady, with the headline: I'm Not Going to Give Away My Power WOW! The article goes on...
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