Angel Chatter Blog

Are you...?
The angels have nudged me to chat about empathy. What I have come to understand is that ALL are sensitive, but not all are empathic. Webster defines empathy as: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another As with...
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Time to take a breath!
Stress is part of daily living these days. It's become such a natural fact, a way of life that one doesn't quite know what to do with themselves when an opportunity of down time occurs. All this stress eventually leads...
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The Full Moon = YOWSER!
The full moon that we are fast approaching on February 10, 2017 is also called a Snow Moon. It's not a hard leap of understanding to figure out why it's called a Snow Moon; we, in the Northern Hemisphere, get...
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Sometimes you just gotta...
As an Angel Goddess-preneur, it's often a one woman goddess show. YES, I have loads of folks helping in ALL sorts of ways, so this is in no way discounting their immense love, support and physical help. I know, I...
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