Angel Chatter Blog

The angels have nudged me to chat about empathy. What I have come to understand is that ALL are sensitive, but not all are empathic. Webster defines empathy as: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another As with...
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Stress is part of daily living these days. It's become such a natural fact, a way of life that one doesn't quite know what to do with themselves when an opportunity of down time occurs. All this stress eventually leads...
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The full moon that we are fast approaching on February 10, 2017 is also called a Snow Moon. It's not a hard leap of understanding to figure out why it's called a Snow Moon; we, in the Northern Hemisphere, get...
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It's a GLORIOUS day here mid 60s and it's the beginning of February! What 'bright' groundhog said we're getting six more weeks of winter? Me thinks, or hopes at least, he's WRONG. It's scheduled to rain tomorrow and Gabi and...
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As an Angel Goddess-preneur, it's often a one woman goddess show. YES, I have loads of folks helping in ALL sorts of ways, so this is in no way discounting their immense love, support and physical help. I know, I...
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