Time to take a breath!

Stress is part of daily living these days. It's become such a natural fact, a way of life that one doesn't quite know what to do with themselves when an opportunity of down time occurs. All this stress eventually leads to more stress and to one hyperventilating.
When one hyperventilates, shoulders tighten, headaches ensue, sleep patterns are erratic and eating is frequently something that one does on the run. None of this is beneficial to mind, body or soul.
Why do these symptoms happen? Simply put the body is not getting the oxygen it needs to operate at its optimum. Oxygen is only being sent to the upper portions of the lungs. If that's the case, and it is, of course the body tightens up! Nothing is providing it with what it needs... oxygen!
This post is a continuation of the campaign I've started with all of you - Daily Acts of Self Love. It's been pure JOY reading what ya'll are doing daily for YOU. If you haven't done so, come join us in the Facebook group! and chat away with some AHmazing Chatterers.
I digress, but they are seriously that great.
Haniel offered this simply, but powerful exercise to me years ago and it's one I've passed on to clients and our group members for quite a while. Here goes:
- Call on Big Mike for some extra angelic protection
- Close your eyes
- Place your hands over your heart
- Feel your heart's cadence; feel its joy, feel its love
- Inhale for four slow counts
- Hold for four counts
- Exhale for four slow counts
- Repeat at least for ten cycles
By doing this daily, you will begin to feel more alive. You will begin to be more focused. You will begin to be present. You will begin to simply BE.
Here's to another step BEing added that allows you to shine!
So greatly needed,so greatly touched.
Thank you Lovely Lady for this guidance. xo
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