Angel Chatter Blog

Transparency = BEing
Honestly I'm not sure where this post is going to go... could be a rant, could be an AHA, could be filled with vignettes of stories... it could...  As we have flipped well into the third quarter of 2017 and are...
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Labels, oh how we succumb
Have you ever noticed that when you meet a new person, potential friend, that we will start off asking what they DO? We immediate label them; entrepreneur, stay at home parent, garbage collector, plumber, angel goddess, etc. That label stays...
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There's an old song,   Let there be peace on Earth.... and let it begin with me With so much going on universally at the moment, upheaval, angst, and dare I say it, fear... it can be easy to fall prey...
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Times? They ARE achangin'
Just scroll through any social media site; Facebook specifically and so many folks are sick! I mean bed ridden sick.While this is fairly common during the winter months, this time it is also a strong indicator of how much the...
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2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1
Happy New Year Chatterers! With 2016 still fresh in many minds of the tumultuous times, changing times, not sure which way to turn times...It is indeed time to start anew, fresh and create life as YOU wish. Why this sense of...
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