Intense Energy NOW - SuperMoon and much more

We have a SuperMoon in just two days, August 30, 2019, to BE exact. When you combine this glorious event with other astrological and etheric energies, we are in for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. The like of which you may not have seen in a while.
The Symptoms You May BE experiencing
- Chronic Fatigue
- Overly Sensitive
- Intuitive Gifts Skyrocketing
- Heightened Anxiety
- Crazy Dreams
- Manifesting Maven
- Seeing repetitive numbers
While in many worlds, the above list is considered normal. But each and every one of these traits if normal in your traditional world, are now heightened. Think magnified ten fold.
That's a lot of fold! Not to be glib, but had to get your attention.
What to Do?
It is far from the end of the world that we are facing at the moment, but these energies make it feel like it is make no mistake.
Here is a suggested offering of tools you may use during this tumultuous time, in no particular order:
- Meditate. Lots of Meditation. Ask for Michael's protection prior. Set one intention of an area you would prefer clarity. Just one. You are already overloaded and no need to overload you more with a bevy of angelic suggestions, as well meaning as they may be.
- Forest Bathing. Y'all know this is one of my favorite go tos. Take a walk on the wild side, in nature without your electronic devices. Or at the very least, without them on. This will help cleanse your aura, uplift your spirits and offer some beautiful things to gaze upon. If you are pondering an area of your life, set an intention prior to stepping a foot outside. Let go of what is weighing upon your mind and BE prepared to BE amazed at the signs, messages and inspirations you garner while walking in the woods.
- Bubble Baths. Now I know this is not everyone's cup of tea, but in this scenario, give it a whirl. I lace mine with Zadkiel sacred oil, epsom salts and a high grade bubble bath. Soak as long as necessary. Repeat daily. This is a great time to meditate. Allow yourself to imagine life in five years when you follow your dreams. Revel in that energy and use that as a motivator to keep going once you're toweled off and wrinkly from a good soak.
- Your intuitive gifts will not only heighten at this moment, but so will your bullshit monitor. Your tolerance for 'lack of integrity' will hit the fan so don't be surprised if some relationships become a bit testy. Pay attention to the insights you garner. Don't ignore or dissuade them from appearing. You are BEing given this gift for a reason. Keep a journal of sorts nearby to jot down the seemingly random insights you are receiving.
- Dreams! Dream Journal Time! It is very important if you are a dreamer to keep a journal handy. The left page of the journal is for the dream itself as much as you remember. The right page of the journal is for later - how do you feel, interpret the dream, etc.
- Manifesting Maven Time! You crazy manifestor you. Seriously this energy is heightened right now; therefore BE very aware of your thoughts, words, action and inactions. ALL play a HUGE role in what is BEing created in your life NOW and going forward.
- The Numbers - simply observe how often they happen and ask The Gang - what are you attempting to tell me? BE quiet and take note of any and all messages received. Remember, even if you think you are not intuitive, your gifts are heightened now.
- Abstain from alcohol. I love nothing more than an good Italian Red or French Rose, but not this week. This is not the time to dull your senses. As tempting as that glass may be, please refrain.
What Angels and Tools to Use
A combo of angels immediately stepped forward as I started this section of the blog; Auriel and Haniel as well as Chamuel.
Archangel Auriel is indeed the Lunar Angel and given we are experiencing Super Moon energies, why wouldn't you chat with her? Chat with her to help illuminate the correct path for you at this time. Even if that path means it is time to clear the clutter of your life; stuff, relationships and more. I've got her candle burning again in our main living area; the kitchen/family room.
You Manifesting Maven YOU. BE sure to chat with Haniel more consciously. After all, don't you wish to manifest what you WANT not the undesirable stuff? Haniel will help to point out when you are going astray and to keep you on track regarding your dreams and desired lifestyle. I'm wearing Haniel's bracelet dotted with her sacred oils so I can sniff my way into manifesting my dreams. This sacred oil, for those of you who haven't sniffed it, helps to clear the fog, uplift my spirits and most certainly helps me to remember my WHYS.
Ahhh, The Angel of Self Love, Chamuel. Chatting with Chamuel will remind you to tend to your needs. Go to sleep earlier. Take that blessed walk in nature and more. Remember, it's A-OK to say NO or YES - as long as you mean it and most importantly - are saying YES to you. Like the other two, I'm using Chamuel's oil in the bubble bath. What better way to soak up all that self love!
Until next week, Keep smiling, BE true to yourself and know we're always here to help, just ask!
Thank you
That makes total sense to me Thank you for your spot on message I will use these tools I am a Virgo and good advice on today new moon today helpful for the manifestation as well love and buckets of light to you 😇
Christine, sending you love and light from deep within my soul. May all your dreams come true. The angel have touched me and I am BEing my best life ever.
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