The Angel Chatter Authorization Course - Angel Chatter
The Angel Chatter Authorization Course - Angel Chatter
The Angel Chatter Authorization Course - Angel Chatter
The Angel Chatter Authorization Course - Angel Chatter

The BE You Program - The Angel’s Guide to Living Life While BEing True to You

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The BE You Program

Do you deserve to live a magical life?

Of course, you do.
Have you been searching for the magic and never quite found it?

Darling, the magic is within you. The moment you say YES to yourself, say YES to BE authentic you unabashedly, the Universe conspires immediately in your favor to line up events, people, and actions to propel you along your journey.

The BE You Program is one of those pushes. Not only will you deepen your connection to over eleven angels, but you will also deepen your connection with your soul. You remember your magic. You remember your power. You remember your worthiness.

The Universe requests your presence.

Say YES.

Here's the link: 


Need More?

Read on:

Goddess, I am thrilled you are here and are saying YES to you, and are ready to honor your dreams but more importantly, you are ready to honor YOU. 

It’s been a curvy journey, hasn’t it? Getting off The Good Girl Train, dancing with the angels, and then before you know it, you’re back on that train; attempting to please others leaves you holding on for dear life doing vs. BEing. 

As a goddess who loves the ‘woo’ and the angels, it’s been difficult at times to integrate this juicy part of you within your daily life, hasn’t it? Your life may look put together on the outside, but inside? Not so much. You make great time, but ultimately aren’t going in the direction that makes you smile when you awaken each and every morning. You sometimes even feel as though you would be greedy to have the life you yearn for; one that is filled with laughter, love, prosperity, firm boundaries, angels, and is balanced within the mind, body, and soul. 

In many ways, you have settled. You’ve become a master in many ways of separating your ‘woo’ aspects from real life. You’ve hidden beautifully and have become a gorgeous people pleaser, complete with vague boundaries. At times you may have even gotten that you’re weird look from those in your circle.

You’re not weird; rest assured.  

Take a big breath now. Go on, you can do it. Say YES to you and know that life is about to take off in magical ways that ultimately lead to having folks wondering what you’re up to because you are just so happy!

And guess what? You are not going to have to:

  • Read yet another self-help book that gathers dust because life took over, again. 
  • Go on copious amounts of retail therapy making you momentarily ‘happy’.
  • Leave the group with unfinished business, because we LOVE holding you in sacred space and help keep you accountable.
  • Without knowing what to do next or even where to start.
  • Without keeping your ‘woo’ and ‘normal’ life separate.

Go on and exhale that breath you have been holding on to for so long. Relax your shoulders. Roll your neck. You are safe to BE you.

You live in YOUR Sparkle Zone DAILY and:

  • Dance daily with the angels without feeling weird.
  • Feel so comfortable in your own skin.
  • Not only dare to dream the seemingly unreachable but start taking action!

Can you imagine your life in seven months when you say YES to you? Can you imagine greater courage to take those beautiful steps forward in your sparkle zone? Can you imagine feeling more confident? Can you imagine knowing which angel to call upon for all areas of your life from the perfect parking spot, health, wealth, happiness, and love? For now, sit with those smiles across your beautiful face as you imagine your future.

It can BE all this and so much more. Why?

You will BE honoring you like never before.


The BE You Program was birthed from a desire to empower women and remind them that they are a goddess and deserve to BE treated as such. So many other courses out there gloss over the entire angelic realm in a weekend! How can you possibly get to know any on a deep level in two days, let alone eleven angels? We’ve taken care of that for you because each module focuses on one angel and only one angel. 

You will slowly and lovingly peel away the un-serving layers of hiding, self-deprecating comments, and Begin to live life in the moment vs. rushing from task to task and errand to errand. Each angel offers super easy, tangible, and proven tools you can incorporate into your life, with great ease.

The first step on your journey is an introduction to Big Mike, also known as Archangel Michael. As the Angel of Protection, his energy comes forth and shares sage wisdom and tools to better protect yourself energetically. By protecting yourself energetically, you can live more in the present moment and not have to wonder what may or may not happen next. Why? You are remembering to BE. 

By working through the remaining divinely angelic modules, you will learn and perhaps remember to fully embrace the love of self, begin to heal on the physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual level, learn how to cut energetic cords that are so nasty and not serving you (by the way, cords of LOVE always serve), remembering that JOY is indeed a superpower and helps propel you further along your path more than you can possibly imagine right now. 

And those are just samplings of what is in store for you.

Because of my training, the gift of channeling the angelic realm, and my passion for empowering women to BE, The BE You Program has been broken into eleven modules that gently empower you to blossom and become the goddess you are destined to BE and live the life you yearn to live. Without it, the gerbil wheel keeps on turning and life goes on as is.

How Does The BE You Program Work?

The course is automated and we all live busy lives all over the world, you may work at your own pace. No pressure to perform at any given moment or time. 

Some answers to questions you may be thinking:

Am I on this journey alone?

Pashaw! What kind of empowerment is that? Within our secret Facebook group, we meet twice monthly, and there is no topic that is untouchable! Every call the angels take over, and much is explored and shared. Impromptu-guided meditations are a frequent gift from them to you. The meetings are recorded and uploaded to our group.

What’s included?

Besides the magical eleven angelic modules, the secret Facebook group, and the group coaching, you will receive the following exclusive Angel Chatter products:

  • The Angel Chatter Oracle Deck
  • Askfirmations
  • The Daily Askfirmation Deck
  • A complete crystal set to help you deepen your connection quicker (not available for individual sale via the site)

Wish to see the course's layout? Here's the link:

The BE You Program

What about payment plans?

We offer TWO options: 

  1. Pay in full and receive the amazing gifts, perks, and bonuses as our THANK YOU - they are shared below.
  2. Six monthly payments of $380 per payment.



If you still wish to know more, here are the module offerings in the order you will receive them: 

  1. General Information; This module sets you up for success. This module is a bonus! All the basic terminology that is used throughout the course is included.
  2. Michael - The Angel of Protection I always start with Big Mike. Why? Protection is one of the keys and foundations to BE able to move through life with utter Grace.
  3. Sandalphon - The Angel of Grounding. BEing grounded in life is the start of BEing present.
  4. Uriel - The Angel of Safety. The reminder that you are safe to BE you; the truest reflection of you.
  5. Gabriel - The Angel of Miracles. Time to wake up to life, BE sensual, sexual, creative, and give birth to new ideas and concepts. 
  6. Jophiel - The Angel of Joy-Filled Power. Remember, you are your most powerful when in JOY. 
  7. Chamuel - The Angel of Self Love. Loving self more; this module is the biggest game-changer for most students.
  8. Raphael - The Angel of Healing. Healing on all levels; physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental.  
  9. Haniel - The Angel of Manifestation. Manifesting truest desires.
  10. Raziel - The Angel of Intuition. Enhance all your 'clairs'. Clair audient, cognizance, voyance.
  11. Zadkiel - The Angel of Transmutation. Implementing the powers of the Violet Flame. It's time to live life more in the present by transmuting lower vibing energies.
  12. Metatron - The Angel of Motivation. Not only does Metatron motivate, but has been known to tease one into submission; this I know all too well personally!
  13. Auriel - The Angel of Luna. Knowing how to tap into Luna's energy each month? Simply amazing.


Time to Pop Over and Enroll

In addition, you will also receive:

  • 25% off ALL Angel Chatter products.
  • Eligibility to attend the Annual Student Retreat. 
  • Membership to a private Facebook Group. This group is a growing intimate gathering of like-minded souls who are ready to change the world; from the inside.
  • Bi-weekly Group Calls to answer any questions about the course curriculum and beyond.
  • Lifetime access to all the current modules and new ones as they roll out.
  • and more... let us surprise you!

Lastly, as a testament to your commitment to you, a Certificate of Completion upon completing the course is mailed to you. 

If you desire to then use the material to assist others and BEcome authorized, we can do that! Let us know as you progress and we will let you know what is involved. 


 Testimonials From Former Students

2019 Student Reviews:

I highly recommend Christine Alexandria's The BE You Program. It opens you to a life you never thought possible. You will come to know you are always supported by Christine, fellow classmates, and The Angelics. 
C. Kamsler
I have been working with Angels for several years and never had the kind of connection I established as part of this course. It really gave me the opportunity to learn more about each Angel and to spend time getting to know them. I can now see, hear and feel them in a way I never could before. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to develop a more personal connection with the Angels.
D. Frey,
owner Blueskyes Journey LLL

 Cate Raphael - Angel Chatter Authorization Course


2018 Student Raves:

"Christine Alexandria’s course is well developed and thorough – if you are truly looking to learn more about each of the Archangels, as well as honing in on your own skills, this is the course for you. Each section is sent to you individually after you finish the one before. It is also done so you can do this self-paced. It does not mean there are no deadlines, but, you have plenty of time to do your meditations and homework in such a way that it doesn’t compromise the quality of your work. I have made such amazing strides in my work with this course. I have enjoyed the challenge of pacing myself with each section/angel, and simply getting to know each one has been a delight. Also, do not be surprised if you have small miracles occurring to you during your time with this course. Being open to the angels, and to your own gifts, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. On top of all this, you have a great mentor you can ask anything about. Christine is always there for you, and as an added bonus, she will not let you wallow or sit in complacency. She helps you in gearing yourself forward, for your own betterment. It is lovely! I truly believe the investment of this course is one you cannot regret to make. If you mean to move forward with your own practice, or simply to better your life, it is always a good choice. "
D. Messing, Texas -

I found this course, exciting, very interesting, answered questions I had, and helped me in getting connected to the Archangels and more. This course went deeper/beyond any course I have ever taken. It also allowed me to discover who I am. Christine Alexandria teaches from the heart. She truly cares about her students and helps them to succeed not just with the course, but guidance in what you are seeking. I highly recommend this course. A fantastic learning tool you will use forever.

K. Connelly - Angelic Spirit Connection 

2017 Students:

I would highly recommend taking this course. This has been so informative. I knew I had angels with me, but now I know who and how to access them. I am most grateful for her course.  All I can say is thank you for coming into my life.
M. Garner


Some of you may be thinking about taking The BE You Program. I have taken courses before from different teachers to get in touch with the angels. The truth is I spent a lot of money and was left as alienated and disconnected as before the courses. With Christine's course, you are making an investment that will multiply tenfold. I had a very basic knowledge of some of the angels. Big Mike for protection. Yes, I would ask for protection while driving my car, or when I felt uncomfortable. I never felt a connection to him. While working on his chapter, I was taking a walk and felt a large presence behind me and to the right. In my ear, I heard, "I've got your back." With every chapter and new angel, I am making a connection to that angel. The fun part is hearing the experiences of others in the course. They are all different, and we are all different, but we are all exactly where we need to be. This course was co-created by Christine and the Gang. I can truly say there is nothing like it out there. I see my life-changing for the better. Chapter by chapter, angel by angel, my own gang is growing. In Uriel's lesson, as I practice his meditation, I feel layers of negative thoughts, beliefs, and feelings burning off. Each and every time I come out of this meditation feeling 100% better than when I went into it. If you hate to sit still and meditate like me, each angel's meditation is under 5 minutes. Too busy to take the course, nope that's an excuse. You take the course at your own pace. But even at my busiest, taking even ten minutes to work on the course is uplifting. Oh and every time I said I would only take 10 minutes, I would discover when I stopped for the day that I had spent a minimum of 30 minutes. Yes, the course draws you in. If you are on the fence, with your ego saying you don't have the money, the time, or it's telling you that you will not do the work, etc. Ask yourself if you would like a closer relationship with the angels? Is what you are doing now working for you? If not, I urge you to take that leap of faith and I guarantee the angels will catch you.
Barbara Civin
Connecting Guardian Angels with their one.


I started this course with great expectations but they have been exceeded. My soul found a home that was nourishing and loving. Thank You Thank You Thank You.
Jeanette Saproni MT ASCP
Canine Massage Educator
Newest path: Working with the Angels


2016 Students:

     I want to tell you that I loved, loved, loved taking this course. I love the way you explain each Archangel in great detail with love and zeal. It's evident that you are so knowledgeable of the angelic realm. The way you explain it, I felt that you were talking directly to me with all the Archangels there with us the whole time.  I also enjoyed reading about the stones they associate with as well as the energy of their symbols. You explain it with ease so I never had a problem understanding. Each one being distinct. Each time I would read an excerpt, I felt that I was entering an adventure. I loved it. And I learned so much about The Gang, I know now that they are involved in every aspect of my life. Thank you so much for introducing them to me. I feel so privileged as well as empowered in knowing that not only that they have my back in whatever I do, but that I know so much about them.
Love and Light.
I. Campo-Laredo
As I was growing up I knew that I was connecting with 'something' but I didn't know what.  As I grew up I realized that I was connecting to angels.  I started to learn more about them by taking classes.  Most of the classes that were available were given by Dr. Doreen Virtue. I took every class I could. I learned how to read cards but there was something missing.  What was missing was HOW to tell WHO I was connecting to. That's where Christine Alexandria came in. Through her course, I was able to learn how to tell which of the Archangels were working with me. I was able to connect more fully and have a personal one-on-one relationship with each one. I now know who to call on for specific situations. I have more confidence in my abilities because I know where the messages are coming from and are able to share that with my clients. As a professional Angel Intuitive, I have found that the readings I give have more depth to them.  But this course is not just for those who give professional readings, it's for anyone wishing to have a deeper connection to the angels. This course has truly been a blessing in my life.
K. McAllister
Rainbow Wings Consulting


Angel Chatter Student Retreat, 2019



2019 Angel Chatter Student RetreatyChristine Alexandria

Isabella Campiano-Laredo, Chef at 2019 Angel Chatter Student Retreat

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