Why does the Angel Chatter...Heavenly Guidance Book even exist?

Why did I create the book, Angel Chatter...Heavenly Guidance?
Quite simply because you asked.
You asked at shows.
You asked as a client.
You asked as a future student (thank YOU for sticking it out with me and my many rough drafts)
You asked.
Answering is rather simple. I can talk an ear off an angel, but now ask me to write about my experiences and my knowledge with them?
That's a whole new different kind of wing in my world. A Wing of Empowerment that I didn't feel comfortable unfurling and showing; until now.
This book has taken years to write. Yes, really, years. Yes, there was a move or two thrown in for us personally which gave me a perfect excuse to delay and procrastinate on it. However, every single time I was prepared to let it drift off into that good night folks would start clamoring for THE Book (as I affectionately began calling). When was it going to be done? Could I teach?
Well you get the idea.
Your clamoring began to be incessant. Thank you. You propelled me to finish it. You propelled me more out of my comfort zone to share my knowings; the most uncomfortable growth spurt in a while. You encouraged me.
Thank you.
I listened and acted. I listened to the angels and got wing slapped more than once; some of those slaps came via you.
Time to put on those Big Girl Angel Wings and soar. Time to finish 'er up and release it. Time to BE, well me.
As many of you know, THE Book is now born. THE Book is being received all over the world. THE Book is here to not only entertain, but to inform and empower you through the help of the angels and the endless ways they can help you.
Each chapter switches energy, for it is a different angel.
Each holds within it a sacred mandala that has incorporated the angel's sigil and therefore has become a true powerful work of art.
This baby has become the base of The Authorization Course which is in its first official year and reading into the students feedback is superseding their expectations. Look into if becoming more confident with clients or simply building a closer relationship with the angels calls to you.
Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for pushing me out of my zone. Thank you for BEing you.
Thank you for BEing you!! Thank you for helping me learn how to communicate with the angels through “the course,” thank you for all the encouragement along the way and thank you for not giving up on "the book’ and “the course.” You have changed so many lives just by being who you are and I’m so grateful to be one of those people!
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