The Color of Love

I was out with Gabi today, you know my living muppet yogi dog, and a thought popped in my head as we passed yet another potential fan club member for Gabi. Are dogs really color blind? Turns out they are NOT (I did a tiny bit of research on our arrival home). They DO see a variety of colors, but akin to a person who is red-green color blind. Simply put dogs see orange, yellow, and green as yellow. Blue-green is seen as white and red looks as though it is brownish-black. That is starting to make my hair hurt, but bottom line, they see a lot more than gray tones.
I asked because, you see, Gabi LOVES everybody. Truly. I've never seen her growl at a person. Unless of course they are walking by and she's not out there to greet them. But I digress...
On every walk, she perks up the minute she see another human. Her tail wags. She begins to prance. She actually smiles in anticipation. She eagerly waits for the command from me or a greeting from them to perform her official hello which also includes massive leaning and if you're really lucky a slobbery kiss. She actually gets somewhat miffed when a person doesn't invite her over or worse yet; she is ignored.
It doesn't matter how old or how young. Although she does have a distinct fondness for children. It doesn't matter if they are purple, black, polka-dotted, yellow, white or striped. She truly adores and LOVES everyone.
What a novel idea. Love for what it is. Love no matter what. Love is not just skin deep. Love is real.
We could all learn something from that magical fur angel girl known as Gabi.
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