Angel Chatter Blog

What's 'right' and what's 'wrong'?
As many of you know, we recently moved across the Chesapeake Bay. It's been non-stop loving frenetic energy since Stage One of the move commenced (we're past Stage Two now). We are now amongst our things that were in hiding...
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Citrine, it's not just a sparkly stone
This week's crystal choice is citrine. Did you know that most citrine is actually heated amethyst? During this process, the stone literally gets bleached out and reveals the gorgeous golden sparkles that most have come to associate with citrine.  Natural...
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Change is often coveted and chatted (and dare I say whined) about daily: * I wish my life was more abundant * I wish I had my soulmate * I wish I was ten pounds lighter * I wish... These...
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Let's Chat Crystals!
I'm often asked which is the best crystal to start with when a newbie to working with stones? The answer is an easy one; Rose Quartz Why?  It's very easy, incredibly easy in fact, to find and its very essence...
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