Angel Chatter Blog

'Princess and the Pea'
Do you remember the fairy tale, Princess and the Pea? I had one of those moments not too long ago... The other week I was out simply pulling up some dandy lions. Since I wasn't digging or doing anything laborious,...
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The Art of Allowing
The very word allowing is rather empowering as I recently experienced. You know the dance; having to do so much on your own and if somebody offers to help you find yourself going in behind them to 'fix it'. yeaaahhh......
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Moon River and all it portends...
I was VERY restless last night. The song, Moon River kept playing in my head...   Moon river, wider than a mileI'm crossing you in style some dayOh, dream maker, you heart breakerWherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way Two drifters,...
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