Angel Chatter Blog

Being The LightI was told many years ago by someone to DIM my light. You read that correctly, DIM my light. Do you know what happened? I got triggered, and my light dimmed for a New York Minute. Then?It got...
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I wished I had scrolled more; said nobody, ever...
I wished I had scrolled more; said nobody, ever. The world seemingly and momentarily stopped yesterday when various social media platforms went dark.People panicked. People scrambled to change their passwords because they thought they had been hacked. THEN, we realized...
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What is a Dream Activator?
Did I just make up a term?   Maybe.   Don't care.   I've realized that this is who I am, but before we ger into all that this means, permit me to tell you a story.   It's the...
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Embrace Your Sovereignty
Dearest ~   The dictionary defines sovereignty as   Supreme Power Or Authority   Of course, we have all heard of the term sovereignty concerning royalty.   But here's the thing: you have supreme power and authority over your life....
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