Who Are Archangels Michael and Gabriel and How do they help YOU?

Archangel Michael (aka Big Mike) and Archangel Gabriel are two of my Go To Angels pretty much daily.
Because I chat with them so often, I'm going to divvy up their information within this post. If you wish more, be sure to check out my latest book, Angel Chatter, Heavenly Guidance.
Archangel Michael
As I mentioned, my nickname for Archangel Michael is indeed Big Mike. Why? His energy is very intense, hot and oh does he have the kind of hair that Fabio would melt for!
Michael is akin to THE BEST Big Brother you have had or will have. Why is that you ask?
Let me tell you:
Archangel Michael is THE premier protector.
Did you know he is the patron saint of the United States police force? TRUE! What do police do? Protect.
This is exactly why he is the first angel I introduce my students, clients and anyone who will listen. Why? I wish you to better understand how to BE protected as you go about your day whether it is a ho-hum day up to your spiritual evolution.
Whenever we do a show or host a private client for the weekend I spritz a bit of Michael's spray around our space making it more protected and safe for clients and customers to relax and BE and allow.
Take Archangel Michael on the road with you.
I chat with him incessantly when we travel. As many of you know, we travel extensively for Angel Chatter for lots of fun metaphysically based shows. I surround our car with his energy. If I start feeling a tad antsy, I call upon him again and I immediately relax and the cars and trucks surrounding us offer more space.
Flying? Michael surrounds the plane and protects all who are aboard. It helps one to relax and truly enjoy the journey more than ever.
Big Mike and your spiritual practice
BEFORE you initiate any practice; meditation, prayer, healing (for self or others) call upon him. ALWAYS. No matter the situation. Why? You're never quite sure what energy is out there (trust me... you don't know) and why not take an extra few moments and BE protected?
Seriously, why not?
Envision his powerful mandala that was channeled for the purpose of my latest book as you lay the ground work for your sacred space; whether it be your healing space, your home, office, hotel room and more. This helps to set up an energetic grid that protects all who enter.
Call on Big Mike. Feel his energy surge into your space; it often becomes warmer. Some report it feels a bit more crowded; why wouldn't it be? It's now filled with angels who are there to protect! These two signs are just an inkling one of his many signs that he and his legions are indeed with you.
As you know, Archangel Michael doesn't work alone. Oh no! One of his 'gang' members is Gabriel, The Angel of Creativity.
Archangel Gabriel can add some spice to your life!
As Archangel Gabriel oversees the sacral chakra; the place of sensuality, sexuality, creativity and birth (in all its levels), it ought not be terribly difficult to see how he can and DOES infiltrate your world with a lotta spice, jazz and wake up calls in the metaphorical sense.
All of Gabriel's essences, well most of them, are ones that are proven to help one BEcome more alive. It's getting out of the rut that we all so often can into; clean house, do errands, must do, must do, must do that one can easily forget how exciting life really is. Even if it means taking your beloved dog for a walk. yes, that is indeed a Gabi plug and a soft reminder that we are yet to go on our magical walk today - without the phone on. We simply BE and Gabriel is on hand at all times to show references and get us both excited about where we are at that exact moment in time. It usually involves Gabi swamping and me laughing at her adorable and HAPPY face.
Gabriel helps one to enjoy their food. Not to eat mindlessly as one drive's about or stuffing your face while watching TV. It's about eating and enjoying the food that is fueling you. Enjoying the subtleties of the spices and textures. Drinking in the aroma; if you love coffee, don't you sigh when you walk into a great cafe or am I the only one? You feel shoulders relax and your entire BEing calms down and yet giddy at the prospect of a great cup of coffee coming at you.
Archangel Gabriel and your spiritual pursuits
Whether you are steeped in a spiritual practice, desire to be or are very artistic, Gabriel is my go to when I write and create new products.
It's the Art of Allowing in the creative sense. If there is a dilemma happening, chat with him to unveil a creative solution.
Are you an artist? Writer? Poet? Journal Designer? Gardener? Wood Working Expert? Chef? All of the above? Gabriel is indeed already in your backup of assistants helping you to devise, design, create.
Do you wish to hit the 'Pause' Button and start anew? Gabriel will certainly help you re-invent yourself by presenting a variety of suggestions via a friend, client, family, song, etc. that will get you thinking... what if. Your job is to listen with not only open ears, but an open heart. You've asked, now listen.
Those what if's are his way to present creative ideas and how to better empower you through actions, thoughts and more. Listen closely. Trust me, he's always there to assist.
Don't you adore Archangels Michael AND Gabriel?
I know I do and LOVE working, playing and chatting with them. Not only for my personal life but as I help clients and students BEcome true to themselves. Give it a whirl... you are going to LOVE chatting with them!
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