When you get energy 'Love Bites'

energy love bites


This post has been truly a few months in the making... Do I or don't I share this 'unusual' phenomena?

I share.

Energy, as you well know, is just that; energy. Energy activates electricity turning on and off our lights. Energy charges our computers, crystals and of course there is energy healing.

Another kind of energy, and one I don't actively play in often (or consciously at least) is the kaka. I freely admit the lower energies exist. I've seen them. I've witnessed their existence in others. I let others do what they do best and I stick to what I do best. 

This my story and I'm sticking to it:

This past spring kaka was surrounding us. I could literally feel it and it was affecting all I touched; clients, home and heart and business. I'm of the mindset, go after me, not my 'babies' and if you are reading this, you fall in the 'baby' arena. I'm a Momma Bear to many. Therefore I decided to fight back and do battle.

I poked the bear so to speak.

So this 'thing' decided to mess with me physically. As you will see in the photo... I had a 'hicky' from them... hence me making light of it all and calling them Love Bites. It was soooo not loving. While not monumental in the scheme of things, this was highly out of the ordinary for me. It showed up during my sleep and as I wash my face nightly, I can attest it was not there prior to bedtime.

Bizarre and I must admit a tad scary. 

Why do I bothering sharing this now after three months? It's happening to others. A dear friend has gotten bitten on her legs. Funny thing about her it too only happens at night. The big difference is that she delves into this energy regularly to clear for others. She is use to this, protects herself diligently and yet... got bit.

This is a warning for you all. Do not go delving into energies you are not familiar with or are unsure of. IF you get a warning from Big Mike, heed the warning and back off immediately. Ask that he and the rest of The Gang and others in your posse (from unicorns, dragons, fae, ascended masters, etc) tackle it. You may direct them to a specific spot/location, but please protect yourself and be careful. 

Why are they doing this now I hear you ask. Because as a whole, more are waking up. More are walking in true light. More are walking and talking through the energy of LOVE. THIS annoys those buggers. They love it when we are 'fat, dumb and clueless'. 

No more. 

You've heard me say it before and I'm saying it again. It is time for you to BE. BE yourself. BE LOVE. BE. Stand tall and proud in your light. The energy of united is undefeatable. United we stand in Love. United we win. 




As always, feel free to comment below and share away! This helps others to find us more easily.



  • Dee

    I wake up with dozens of bruises. They are horrible and in places one should not have bruises. My doctor even said to start eating kiwi s regularly 3-4 a day for a week or 2 plus up my vitamin c. Thanks for enlightening me!!!!

  • Anna

    So much is shifting that we are witnessing around us. It’s both fascinating and unsettling. Change. It’s in the wind. We are being called to expand, cause there is no other choice. These ‘love bites’ are a sign that something greater than us is out there. Good and bad. This will have to unite us, or else. I pray. All that Y2K, end of the Mayan calendar 2012 stuff I think this is what it was about these times, this year, now. The cosmic wheels are in motion. It’s like get on the train…now! Cause it’s moving fast. The longer we linger the more painful out journey. I chose to get on the train. When I get off I run like heck to catch the next one. The only train I know. The love train. OK, that sounds cheesy but I love cheese (vegan) and I don’t care who knows it!

    The movie Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead, reminds of how you put it right fat dumb and clueless. It’s no secret lower vibes lie cheat and steal to keep us locked into the system. Fear in the media, crap in our food, and drugs for every little alignment! This is how they chain us from getting on the train. And it can be so hard to change old habits, I know. I feel like I’ve been in Recovery for 7 years.

    Thank you for sharing and uniting us in the beautiful sacred cyberspace. ❤️

  • Anna

    So much is shifting that we are witnessing around us. It’s both fascinating and unsettling. Change. It’s in the wind. We are being called to expand, cause there is no other choice. These ‘love bites’ are a sign that something greater than us is out there. Good and bad. This will have to unite us, or else. I pray. All that Y2K, end of the Mayan calendar 2012 stuff I think this is what it was about these times, this year, now. The cosmic wheels are in motion. It’s like get on the train…now! Cause it’s moving fast. The longer we linger the more painful out journey. I chose to get on the train. When I get off I run like heck to catch the next one. The only train I know. The love train. OK, that sounds cheesy but I love cheese (vegan) and I don’t care who knows it!

    The movie Fat, Sick, And Nearly Dead, reminds of how you put it right fat dumb and clueless. It’s no secret lower vibes lie cheat and steal to keep us locked into the system. Fear in the media, crap in our food, and drugs for every little alignment! This is how they chain us from getting on the train. And it can be so hard to change old habits, I know. I feel like I’ve been in Recovery for 7 years.

    Thank you for sharing and uniting us in the beautiful sacred cyberspace. ❤️

  • Elisa Rothstein

    Wow, Chris. Thank you so much for sharing this. I thought I was going insane when I found (only after waking up in the morning) scratches on my body in places I could not possibly have scratched myself. It happened once. It happened again. It happened probably a total of 8 or ten times about a year or so ago. I was going through a terrifically difficult time – getting a divorce, helping my daughter deal with some serious health issues – and I would wake up and feel these scratches (almost always in the same place on my right shoulder or back of my right arm) and wonder what the F was going on. And then, one night about 6 months ago, whatever IT was tried to shove me out of bed. Literally. I felt this presence launch itself at me and push me to the edge of my California King bed. At first, I was terrified, and then I quickly became PISSED. Like, white hot, she-bear, DO NOT F WITH ME pissed And I said, “NO!” And I called on Big Mike, Christ, Buddha, Kwan Yin, all of my angels, teachers and guides and I said, “NO!” again. And I told it to get the F out of my face, out of my house, and NEVER touch me again. And things have been – thankfully – quiet since then. Looking back, I thought maybe I had dreamed it, or overreacted, but then I look at my arm and the faint traces of where those scratches were, and I know it was real.

  • peg

    So that is what those stupid things are.

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