What Coronavirus is Teaching Me - Part Six

What a week it's been!

I won't lie, I bottomed out at some point last week, not out of fear but exhaustion. 

I realized, and soooo not looking for accolades here or comfort for it is what it is, that I carry many folks energetically. I fully own that I do this willingly and with great love, but I had nothing left to give and had to pull back. Honestly, I couldn't even focus on any task at hand and that in itself was rather annoying - to my ego. 

HOWEVER, for there is always a however in my world or a morale of the story so to speak, otherwise, why bothering sharing it with you?

Get Outside

This was a message I heard time and time again from The Angelics. I dragged my butt to the magical woods to reflect and reflect I did! As I wandered, I came across a path I had never seen before. BEing the very curious sort, off I went. This particular path doesn't go deep into the woods. In fact it hugs the main trail and the stream simultaneously. But what a find it was! The path offered a safe haven to scoot down to the water's edge and BE. There was a large span of pebbly soil that was not only secluded from passersby, but any wind. It offered the perfect spot to ponder, whine, reflect and ultimately BE.

Down I went. The fish were quite abundant and that is where my attention initially went. 

The fish were plentiful! They would fight against the current, fight against the current and for good measure, fight some more. At some point, they would stop 'making good time, but going nowhere' to allow the current to turn them around and go with the flow.

What a metaphor for most of us, eh?

Who hasn't at some point in their life fought against the current only to let go and allow themselves to BE guided in the direction best suited for them?

I know I have.

The Angelics Weren't Finished with Me Yet

I continue to sit there and my eyes BEgan to wander and soak in the landscape. Marveling at the beauty of the wilderness; sun dappling through the leaves, birds chirping and more.

A particular tree caught my attention. While it was growing from the upper level, (above the stream) over time erosion had hit and its root system now went into the stream. There was a particular root that jetted out into the abyss, perhaps 3-5' and eventually had found its way back to soil.

Enter The Marys

Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene came forward at this point and collectively offered:

Look at that root

It can BE symbolic of not only you, but humankind. 

One starts out from their center; the heart. As often happens, as you would say 'Life Happens'. Through these 'Life Happens' Moments, often times one gets off track. Some may never make it back to their chosen path. Look at the root, its path is quite wide, as it went off center, but it eventually found its way back to sacred ground that makes the entire tree stronger, more secure and the living essence of BEing. 

The Covid-19 Global Pandemic is offering ALL a chance to reflect, remember and while some may not get back on their path completely by the time this is over, more will have remembered, more will have woken up and will take action to live now consciously. 

The time of surviving is past.

The time of thriving is now BEing presented to ALL. 

The time to clear what is no longer needed is NOW.

Gaia and Nature are rejoicing in the slower pace.

Look around you. Everything is beating slower in these recent times. Everything. 

Will you Allow yourself to fully remember?

Will you Allow yourself to remember how to BE?

Will you allow yourself to clear and realize you can thrive on much less?

As they closed this message, I cannot lie, I BEcame very, very tearful. Tearful in the sense the release was happening (so the tears were a very good thing). 

I did make one last request while sitting there. I needed a sign, angelic in nature to BE given to me by sundown on Sunday; just to make the trajectory I am planning is the right one as I continue to BE of service and of course to make sure what I heard was 'real'... see? I often second guess too. 

Since then, for it's been close to one week, our pace has slowed even more. I have spent hours digging up dandelions. Yes, really. It was the methodical process of exploring and remembering and yes BEing. It was the process of talking to the land and allowing. It was the process of BEing outside and listening to not only folks as they passed by on the path behind our home, but Nature itself. Listen, she has a lot to say.

I listened, spending most of the weekend gardening. Spreading five yards of mulch is a sure fire way to get out of your head and BE every present. By the time Sunday night appeared, I was completely depleted and refueling in magical ways. 

The Message for This Week Continues

Oh Dug The Gnome. I'm saddened to say he has gone MIA. 

I had him in his apple, for he needed the nourishment, and fixed up a spot by our front door complete with a house he could call Home. He was quite the happy and dapper gnome!

However, the next morning, he was gone!

Apparently leaving him in the apple was not the smartest thing to do. Some critter had dug up the entire package. 

I will continue to look for Dug and have asked the Fae and the many birds to help him return, but LOVE the short time we had together and am fully ALLOWING this adventure to continue to unfold. Thus knowing he may or may not ever return. Afterall, he is magical and who am I to 'own' a gnome?

In what direction is this adventure taking me, taking us? Hard to say, but isn't that one of the beauties of this thing called life? We cannot and really should not orchestrate everything, otherwise we will find ourselves going against the current and back in this mess quicker than we realize. 

PS - Remember that request I made? I received it LOUD AND CLEAR... The entire pile of mulch was covered, covered I tell you, in.... wait for it... FEATHERS. Can't get any clearer than that now can you? 

Thank you Angels.

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