What Coronavirus is Teaching Me - Installment Twenty (Yes 20!)

What Coronavirus is Teaching Me - Installment Twenty (Yes 20!) - Angel Chatter

This past week, like all previous for us personally was filled with the roller coaster of emotions, ponderings, musing which lead into insights.

Last night my husband and I were out for our evening walk and ice cream called. YES I said ice cream. Since the calling was so loud, we took a shortcut to get home that would allow us to get to our favorite creamery prior to closing (masks on of course and ripped off moments later as we dug in, but that is another story for another time)

As we were cutting through to get home, this beautiful feather caught my eye.

It was glistening in the evening sunlight. It danced while on the ground as the breeze lifted each tendril and feather. It, too, beckoned. 

As I picked it up and snagged a few photos, the Angelics came in rather quickly with the following message:

The Angel's Message

They spoke collectively, each coming forward to drive a point home, but then just as quickly stepped back to allow the balanced energy of LOVE to come forward. For as you will see, this message was not a reprimand (you are eating too much ice cream these day), nor one of a challenge. It was one of Comfort, Love and Hope.

Focus on the feather as you read, as they say it will help you receive their energies a bit more. 

We come to you this evening to bring a message of HOPE. Angel Feather Christine Alexandria/Angel Chatter

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that all of humanity could benefit from at this time. 

Hope transcends what is expected based on fact.

Hope rises above the fray to offer Light.

Hope offers comfort.

Hope offers glimmers

Hope shares that in the midst of the human-ness surrounding all of Earth's occupants that the break up of old and outdated mindsets are much needed to pave the way for what is meant to BE.

What is meant to BE is a world filled with Respect

What is meant to BE is a world filled with LOVE

What is meant to BE is a world filled with Integrity

What is meant to BE is a world filled Wisdom

What is meant to BE is a world filled with Joy

All of this and more is quite possible and it is happening. However, each soul must BEgin anew. 

Each soul must take ownership and, as you say, Dig Deep, within themselves to BEgin the transformation. For your BEloved dog's name was a hint of what is to come





Each soul must, no matter from where they hale, must now look within if they desire change and change for the betterment of ALL, not just self serving perks. Each soul must while looking within look beyond to see the larger lesson, hence picture, collectively all of you are BEing offered. 

This is the time that many of you reading this have pined for. This is the time many of you reading this have dreamed happening. This is the time that you requested to BE here in order to serve. 

Yes, you and YES now.

This is a time to BE.

This is time to not dawdle and whine.

This is a time to take action through the energy of LOVE. 

This is not the time to allow anger dictate your moves.

This is not the time to falsify and pretend.

This is the time for genuine conversation which means you listen before responding

This is the time to serve.

This is the time to understand this is an illusion and the illusion must break.

It must break before it can BE put back together in a way that works to honor ALL, respect ALL, LOVE ALL. 


This is your time to stand in your loving power and inspire others to do so as well. 


For now, we close until next time. 


On that note, I shall close for the week as well and leave you with great LOVE in my heart for you and hold space for your dreams to come to fruition. 






  • Dee

    Again, Gabi speaks. I have to admit, I treated up thinking about how even I miss her pics still and the joy, love and BEing in the moment she shared with us all.
    Thank you and Much Love!

  • MAria

    Beautifully said and so needed❤️🙏

  • Tonya JacksonJones

    Thank you. We had many signs today and this is the cherry on the cake! Love to you. ~ Rob and Tonya

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