What are your New Year's Traditions?

What are your New Year's Traditions?
Happy New Year!
As the holidays gently drift into the memory bank, do you feel like you are still on a gerbil wheel and nothing much will change in the coming twelve months? 
Lean and I’ll share what we do in our home to shift gears to gain clarity for the coming months ahead while loving what we do even more.
As we dismantle the Christmas decor in our home; the tree, nativity, menorah, the Santa Collection, etc. I take the opportunity to recall the happy memories of this particular season. As I do that, I feel the energy build in each object as it gets added to the previous year’s memories and energies. Each piece becomes more energetically alive, and I believe this helps contribute to the magic of the season in our home.
As our home empties of all things Christmas, I take advantage of deep cleaning, rearranging the decor and space clear, and organizing.
In other words, I declutter.
Man, oh man, have we decluttered and reorganized a bunch already! Both pantries got a major uplevel. New canisters with labels even now adorn the pantry shelves! We feel so posh right now. Everything is in its glorious assigned space, and there is space for more, but no need to add more. I’m rather embarrassed that we have an excess of specialty flour, but now I know where they are to use them!
Then we moved on to the Christmas decorations; an entire rather large bin of unused Christmas lights and ornaments was lovingly donated. We had to face some hard facts that we most likely will never use these again. 
A truckload of clothes, books, linens, and other household sundries also got donated to our local charity.
One might think we are hoarders with so much leaving, but we’re not! We just committed to creating space and don’t feel compelled to fill it up.
It all feels glorious. We gained space in pantries, storage, and closets and gave away some fantastic items. 
Then came the redecorating. It's incredible what a simple act of moving around some furniture, paintings, and knick-knacks can do for the soul. It's like shopping in your most beloved consignment store. The act of painting a few rooms commences in February; I wield a feisty paintbrush!
This entire process is part of the decluttering package. While this may not sound exciting, we are shifting energy like a bad a** over here. 
We listened to each other; what are our intentions for the incoming here (financial freedom, health for all, and more harmony)? What do we wish to experience? (International travel - Jamaica, and Egypt are already on the docket, so who knows what else may get lined up?)
From a business viewpoint, I plan on working smarter, not harder/more extended hours, to remember my whys constantly when working. 
Whys such as:
  • Why I started Angel Chatter (to empower you). 
  • Why I wish to roll out a new product or service and to double-check, it is in alignment with who I am. 
  • Why do I have a fire within me to keep going.
And committing to not aimlessly scrolling on the blue screen devices otherwise known as computers, magic phones, or iPads.
Clarity comes from decluttering. There is now energetic space for ideas to flow through and bounce around vs. funneling through tight spaces.
If you wish to commit to yourself throughout the year, let’s do it!
Let’s get rid of the stuff you don’t love or use in your home. It’s that simple of a mantra, but it can be that difficult. 
I'm often asked, 'Why bother clearing out stuff that is neatly stored away?'
My initial response is, 'Are you using it?' If your answer is 'well, umm ...no.' please keep reading.
You see, clutter creates stagnant energy. Eventually, you don’t see the mess or recognize it as clutter. It’s just stuff. It’s just another bin stacked on top of another bin, and when questioned about its contents, the answer is often, ‘You know, I’m not sure.’
Well, I’m here to tell you that that stuff, even when neatly stacked, holds energy and blocks excellent energy flow. The blocking energy that can keep you from experiencing life as you desire and deserve. The kind of energy that can have you scrolling for endless hours. The type of energy that contributes to lethargy, confusion, and certainly low self-esteem. 
It’s why the Break Up With Clutter Program was created.
I share the basics of Feng Shui. Why do certain areas of your home affect your creativity, health, wealth, education, etc.? Why getting rid of the clutter is so powerful. The minute you commit to yourself and begin decluttering earnestly, universal energies shift in your favor. So you can then start to come out of hiding and share your Sparkle.
The best part?
The universe takes notice, responds to your Sparkle, raises a glass of Love to you, and reciprocates this new-found energy with energies that match what you now share.
In other words, you begin life anew in many facets. And your life? Just gets better and better. 
I could share how tight money was for us for several years. I could share how indecisive we were and, at times, paralyzed to take the next step or the one after. 
But we held the faith. I kept firm that we deserved better, much better. Digging deep didn’t just happen in the garden; it happened deep with our souls. 
I got rid of so much stuff. It’s uncanny what we boxed up and moved with us many times over. It’s rather sad that what we deemed important was relegated to a bin or cardboard box that was now gathering dust. 
I can now say with a clear conscious that we use every portion of our home. We know what is in those boxes and their contents come out to play throughout the year. 
With all this purging, one may think our home felt void and impersonal. On the contrary, it feels welcoming, loving, and purposeful. This is the kind of impromptu comments we receive from private weekend clients to family visitors and friends. 
In this Year of Healing, let’s start in the one place you spend a LOT of time. Your sacred space, your home. Clean it, clear it energetically, and purge it.
Not only will it thank you, but you will feel renewed. 
Need help? Please reach out for other suggestions; my favorite clearing tools, although I'm pretty sure you already know that one ZADKIEL candle, my favorite household paint, and more. 
Happy New Year. Thank you for being part of my world.

One more time, here's the link to The Break Up With Clutter Program - https://tinyurl.com/BreakUpWithClutterProgram

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