The signs we get....

The signs we get....

I was blessed to have three of my grandparents live well into their nineties. Each one of the was incredible in their own right. I loved them all dearly.

As an example, Grandpa would have us out watching the ants play baseball, watching submarine races and keep us enthralled with stories of life in the early times in New York City.

Grandma, his wife, was the spitfire; small but mighty and very cognizant until the very end. She was the cog in the family, always there with great hugs, laughter and tidbits of wisdom, when you were ready to listen.

My other Grandma, Mary, is the one I wish to share about today. The last months of her life were confusing. Without drudging up family drama, nobody is quite sure of her last days other than she had a roof over her head, plenty of food, etc. She was taken care of, but we are also fairly certain there was 'mischief' afoot; that's me being nice about her care giver.

I was her first grandchild and the only for over seven years. We built a bond that was unbreakable that lasted a lifetime and now apparently beyond...

Grandma died many years ago and as with the passing or skipping over of our loved ones, we mourned. We cried. We laughed. We questioned. She skipped over in the month of June and by September, she began leaving signs for us.

The first gift was found in the center of our upstairs hallway. Right smack dab in the center of the hall. The hall we all traversed on a regular basis going to and fro to bed. On the day in question, I was walking from the office to our bedroom and lo and behold there was a very small Mary Medallion (one of the blue ones). I quickly said 'Hi Grandma' and put it in a chest she had given me from Poland to keep it safe.

Second gift; I shared the story with my mom a few months later when she was visiting and went to show her. The Mary Medallion had reproduced! There were now TWO medallions, but this one was the solid silver one in the photo. Before you question, the chest is rather empty with the exception of gifts from her.

Third gift; I have a Kwan Yin statue on my nightstand. Over one year after the second gift, I found a Mary Medallion was now safely nestled in Kwan Yin's hand! This is the second blue one.

Fourth gift; fast forward three or four years. We had just moved into our New Digs. We had been able to put much of the house in order and were now in the Lower Level (aka finished basement) and putting away all things Angel Chatter. My husband and I were chatting away about the house that was quickly becoming our home, our dreams of the future and just general talk. He became very quiet. As I glanced across the room to him, he was looking at something in his hand.

'What's that?'

'I just found a Mary Medallion on the rug. It wasn't there before.'

'Did you say HI to Grandma?' 

'Hi Grammy.'

This is the fourth medallion in my hand - the very opaque one. I figure she wished to see our new home and make sure once again all was well in our world.

Fifth gift; Mom has now found one in the middle of their bed AFTER she made it!

You see, our loved ones often visit us. All of us. Sometimes they leave a token of their love; the Mary Medallion as an example. Some leave an aroma in their wake that we associate with them. Some may allow you to feel their presence in the form of a hug, a thought, a gentle breeze or a song. Sometimes we are trying so desperately to hear from them, we inadvertently don't allow these gifts to come forward in our consciousness. 

Relax! Allow yourself to receive these messages. They will come in a variety of ways and each one is meant to catch your attention. They are only a whisper away.




Have you had a visit? I would love to hear about it below! You can always chat with Zadkiel to help clear the way a bit better for you to better see, feel, hear, know of their visits. 


  • Ruth Ann

    Mother smell roses she loved her flowers
    Daddy smells like smoke even thro he haven’t had a cigarette in50 years.
    My brother always food smells

  • Dee

    After my beloved husband, Allan, passed away I found marbles and pennies everywhere. I still find them. He used to pick on me about losing my marbles. He’s often refer to a scene in the movie Hook that was about an old gentleman finding his marbles.
    We never bought marbles but I have dozens!! I keep them all. I also have a very large jar of coins I have found. We saved our change each year to go on vacation. So when I have enough I am going on a special journey!!
    I know he’s with me every day and night!!! I love you, Allan ALL THE VERIES!!! Me!

  • Anthony M Penzarella

    Chills and hair standing up at this. My grandmother, Viola, was always praying to Mother Mary and wore a Mary medallion around her neck. Since I am not feeling well today – and my grandmother was a healer – I realize today’s blog is a sign from “MomMom Vi” that she is indeed with me and sending healing right now!

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