The Last Full Moon of the Year AND Decade - What is in store for you?

There is so much going on with this last full moon of the year AND decade I wasn't quite sure where to start, so practicing what I preach, let's just jump in and get going.
The Name of The Moon
As all things go, this full moon has a name. It is often call The Cold Moon. It is sometimes referred to as the Beaver Moon (although that typically shows up in November). It has been also called the Snow Moon, Long Night Moon and Christmas Moon and so on.
I do resonate with all of these, but the one I resonate with the most, at this time, is this:
The Oak Moon
Why does this one hit home more than the others? I'm inspired by it, pure and simple.
Think about it, as the year and decade come to an end, hasn't your mind wandered to the future, your future? Haven't you found yourself planting seeds of desires of how you deem life, your life, is destined to BE? How you may better LOVE? Loving of course starts within and self.
Now more than ever, we are BEing asked to step out of the literal and proverbial comfort zone that has been called life and take charge of life. Taking charge from our intimate circle to as global as guided. It doesn't matter the size of your platform; it is your platform... competing with another in your field degrades you and dishonors your divine gifts. It's time for you to BE well... YOU.
This kind of action takes courage. This kind of action takes commitment. This kind of action certainly means stepping out of one's comfort zone. This kind of act is an Act of Self Love like no other Act for now it BEcomes an adventure. This kind of action may have you standing solo, but that is only temporary in the scheme of things.
It starts with planting a seed. A seed such as an acorn; see how it reinforces the Oak Moon?
What kind of life do you desire? Do you spend time reminiscing about the 'good ol' days' or daydreaming of the what ifs? While this can make for an interesting afternoon of fodder, it doesn't empower one to move forward, does it? How does that slip into the category of Self Love? Often it turns to self loathing (what ifs, if only and so on typically emerge)
Think of the seeds you are currently planting. Are they ones of complacency or take charge? More importantly, are they ones of Self Love?
The Stars ARE Aligned
The Oak Moon is in her zenith on... wait for it...
December 12
Do you require yet another wing slap to prepare for your life?
1212 represents what I mentioned above - change and stepping out of your comfort zone; with great love of self.
This is a demanding gobsmacked Wake Up Call in the highest order. If you don't heed this advance warning of the Emergency Angel System, you will be pretty much in the same place in ten years. How does that settle within your BEing?
Cold hard facts enough?
It's time Dearest. Time to step into your brilliance and I get it, this can be a scary thing! However, isn't it more exhausting staying where you are and not living life as desired? Isn't it more exhausting to whine, complain, wine, dream and so on than it is to take those blessed steps forward? I've many clients who can rationalize why they can't do this or that. How are they loving self more to allow change of desire?
Why can't you? Why can't you take that first step forward? It's as simple as saying YES to you and taking one step at a time. One doesn't win a marathon of any kind without taking a step forward. Same goes with all other areas of your life.
General Guidelines for the Oak Moon
Y'all know astrology makes my hair hurt, so I'll leave that to those to whom it makes sense.
However, after sitting with Auriel, The Lunar Angel, here is what she shared:
Things, events, relationships, mindsets, etc are coming to close. Hold on, it doesn't mean all of your relationships as example, are coming to end. Far from it. The ones ending? The ones that don't provide LOVE in your life. This holds true for clothing, decor, food, etc. not just the human kind.
The Oak Moon does require deep looking within and BEing honest with one's self.
IF something isn't working, ask them what you could do about it; change the circumstances, the situation, the relationship. When asking in the vein of Love, you will always get a true answer of inspiration and empowerment. BE prepared for change.
Part of this is that blessed ongoing assignment I give (and will offer an online course in 2020) is... Clutter Clearing. We performed this sacred ritual just this past weekend as we set up our Christmas Decor. We rid ourselves of three boxes of decorations that simply didn't resonate with us any more. It included ornaments, stuffed animals, and other knick knacks that I shan't bore you with.
It is the releasing of stuff, folks, paradigms and mindsets that opens the door, creates a void, throws arms wide (or whatever metaphor you wish to use) that begs to BE filled. We are creatures of habit and filling an empty spot is something we are wired to do.
Fill this void with what inspires.
Fill this void with what empowers.
Fill this void with what brings you JOY, LOVE, PEACE and so on.
In other words, it is time to release what is considered dense, dark, unloveable to you.
What Angel to Call Upon During the Oak Moon
She has already been alluded to above, but for the sake of this blog, Auriel, The Lunar Angel. Auriel wished to share a direct message with you and is as follows:
Channeled Message from Auriel:
Dearest ~
NOW is the time to sit with yourself and a pad of paper.
Start writing down how you wish life to BE in ten years time.
Ten years is not as far out as it may seem. 2030. In that decade you shall be called more into service. How are you serving your community via your gifts and passions?These gifts are not just the spiritual, the woo-woo or metaphysical. It is your innate gift.
When you gift is from the heart, it is then spiritual, no matter the genre, industry, etc.
Therefore, we are giving you ample time to prepare. Ten years in fact.
I know Christine and her Gang, as she calls them, have been prodding and pushing and constantly reminding you to BE.
NOW is the time.
How do you wish to BE?
How do you wish to BE known?
How do you wish to BE living?
It is time to BE rid of what is not serving you, more than ever before.
NOW is the time to say yes to you.
It does not matter if it is said timidly, as long as you say it with conviction.
It is time to invest in YOU and your dreams. Every investment leads to greater expanse, prosperity, love, joy and oh so much when investing in what is in true alignment with you.
BEgin today. For in a very short time we will offer the solar eclipse and its energy to cap off the year and decade. This eclipse occurs on December 26.
Start planning NOW.
There you have it. I encourage you to invest in the 2020 Roadmap. This small investment addresses your 2020, month by month and offers you a 20% discount on everything (yes, this does include services; something I rarely do).
Until next week, sit, ponder, ask and allow yourself to BE inspired.
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