The Full Moon and Her energies

The upcoming full moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. This particular moon harkens to all to stand in their power (I love reading this AFTER I post the Daily Channeled message - still love those confirmations)

This particular moon is also called the Strawberry Moon. This signifies it is time to harvest strawberries. It is also called the Rose Moon and Hot Moon. I'm going to go with rose, for rose signifies great love to me. However, keep in mind that most rose varieties also have thorns... life is not always about sweetness and celebration!

Read on...

With this combination of Sagittarius and Rose Moon, marks a strong humanitarian streak, which is the essence of caring: Act as though your life depends on it. For it does. You are creating dharma.

In other words, It's a time to BE. BE yourself. This means BEing silly, spontaneous, joy-filled. Be forewarned though dear Chatterer, there is a sense of urgency that is underlying in this moon's energy. A sense of being reckless (notice the absence of 'BE' here). Do stay alert to your surroundings. There is an undercurrent of not nice and you empaths have felt this brewing for at least a few days and unfortunately we have witnessed such events globally with various acts of fear. Also notice I do not use the word terrorism here. Each act, whether it is a full scale act or more personal, is an Act of Fear by the initiator. It is up to each person individually how they respond (again notice I do not use the word 'victim'). Do you lash out equally, or do you step back and understand the 'whys' better?

Is it karma or dharma at play? Karma is the 'I deserve this from a past life' or dharma - the healing of karma combined with paying it forward energy.

Can these acts be avoided? Not really. Each one is a call to arms at various levels. Each one is a call to BE. Each one is a remembrance that LOVE is indeed the answer.

Why do they need to happen then? Simply put, to wake up humanity. If you think about it, each act of fear rallies people from around the world in love and peace. However, as long as these have been happening and as long as I given it thought, I have noticed that we, as humans, have the attention span of a gnat. Meaning it's not long before we rush back to comfort, the dullness, the routine of life and forget the event for it doesn't affect us directly. However, with each event a few stay in that essence of Love and Peace. The tide of Love builds. The tide of understanding grows taller. The tide of BEing becomes more permanent. The more that stay there. The more that can stay in the essence of BEing, the more likely these kinds of events will cease.

Bottom line? Take charge. Don't allow another's action to dictate how you act! Isn't it time, past time really, that you called the shots so to speak? Don't you wish for a life filled with more ease, peace, love, joy and great abundance? Of course you do. We all do. Then stop allowing another's thoughts, words, deeds dictate your life. Move forward with all the gusto you have within. Look at the ways you deal with each situation. Do you meditate, binge eat, exercise, draw, scream? All can point to a way you can help others.

Yes really.

Each thing we do is a way we cope. Each thing we do is a way we offer to heal ourselves. Your very actions inspire others. 

Hmmm.... betcha never thought of it that way before, had you?


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1 comment

  • Anthony M Penzarella

    what a great reminder of what to do and then share this to help others!

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