The Day the Angel Goddess went mum...

The Day the Angel Goddess went mum...

As the world now knows, The Course has launched.

What a birthing experience! The support from family, friends, clients, customers and YOU have made it possible.

Thank you most sincerely.

However, a funny thing happened on the way to launching. There is most definitely a series of events that play into the final outcome (always does).

The week prior I had some dental work; two crowns and a filling to be exact - all in one sitting. My mouth was open for over three hours. While not the end of the world by any means, it's not typical, even for me - one who loves to chat. Talk about a clearing! In the midst of this, Honey Guy was sick. He's never sick. He experienced a low grade fever, coughing, the works. He recovered in a few days with about 36 hours to spare before our beautiful client came in for her private weekend. Lots of food to prep, rooms to clean and packages to assemble. Stepping forward a bit more in the spotlight.

Allergies then hit me during the weekend when again my mouth is open. Okay, this time I was chatting, but still. It did not close with exception of sleep ... or chewing of food.

Our weekend timeline was pushed forward as she wished to be home early afternoon on Sunday; it was their wedding anniversary after all! Push we did. By Sunday morning all were thrilled with the outcome, although a tad tired. 

By Sunday afternoon, the voice began to go. 'I had my sexy voice on'. It was deep, hoarse and gravely; well you get the idea. I drank my tea; calendula laced with honey to coat and baby it. 

The voice continued to wobble on Monday.

By Launch Day of The Course, the voice was gone. Kaput, it had completely left the building. Friends and family were horrified. Me? Just tired and not worried.

Why? Because my voice is now heard within the course. For The Course is the biggest adventure I've ever done publicly. I put my foot, oh who am I kidding, my entire being, out there for the world to see. For better, or worse, I am now being completely heard for as many that wish to listen and learn from me.

As I put this piece of work forth, my throat said, 'time for rest now' and rest it indeed did. True there were a few other physical ailments that tagged along for the ride, but ultimately - my throat chakra under went its major healing for this life and it needed a bit of rest.

You see, we communicate in such a wide variety of ways; not just with our voice. We communicate with our hair styles, clothing, jewelry, aromas (perfume, cologne), decor of our homes and yes especially the words we use. 

All of these forms of communication are linked to a variety of chakras, but certainly throat is one of the them; expression. I've known for years that this is the one I was to work with and conquer in this life. My lesson? Finding comfort in speaking my truth. Feeling safe and secure that I had something of value to share with others. Sharing information that is at times obscure and certainly not your run of the mill coffee conversation. Some in my inner circle find that humorous since I love chatting. I chat it up with the best of them on a regular basis. The secret is I don't chat with just anyone about anything. I don't share who I am and what I do easily. But NOW with The Course out there, guess I can't hide any more now can I?

It's time to BE you.



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1 comment

  • Vicki Simpson

    “To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven.” This is your time! You’ve “said” what the angels wanted and needed you to say and now they’re saying “ok, sis, let us handle it from here. Take a break, here, have some tea.” Enjoy every delicious moment of this….

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