The Day I met Mary Magadelene

I've had this 'weird' fascination with Mary Magdalene for decades. I have felt connected to her in ways that were unexplainable to most and me at times. I felt saddened and betrayed when I would witnessed her as she had been portrayed for centuries as the harlot and outcast.
Over the years I read. I read a lot, perhaps not as many scholars, but more than the average person. I finally stumbled upon Kathleen McGowan's books starting with The Expected One. These books open me in profound ways that resonated deeply within me. highly recommend.
I became insatiable regarding Mary Magdalene, but it's rather difficult to find books that ring true and portray her as a very strong women, healer and passionate teacher. I searched, found few and kept going.
Fast Forward, ahem, a few years...
I returned from France about one week ago. The trip was indeed a tour of southern, sacred France and followed, in part, the footsteps of Mary Magdalene after her arrival in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. The translation of the town is literally to mean:
Saint Marys of the Sea
This beautiful seaside town hosts the infamous bulls and horses; not to mention is recognized as the landing site by millions where Mary Magdalene and her entourage landed after the crucifixion.
It is said that Mary Magdalene, Marie-Salome, Marie-Jacobe, Lazarus amongst other disciples arrived via boat. The iconography is profuse in this town that show 'The Marys' arrival.
Our hotel was literally across the street from the beach where they landed and both mornings I rose early to sit on the rocks along the shore to listen. I did post a variety of pictures and videos along the way in the Facebook group, and many felt the energy there without me providing any suggestions of what they ought to experience.
Mary began speaking softly those mornings. Time slipped into many minutes as I allowed myself to BE and absorb whatever it was that was to be shared. During those two days, it was not much that was noteworthy, with the exception of course that it was indeed Mary Magdalene and we were just getting started.
Mary Magdalene Speaks Louder
We next ventured to St. Baume. St. Baume is the home of St. Maximin and St. Mary Magdalene's Bascilica. Did you know that when a building is 'So and So's Basilica' it is stating that there is a relic of that saint within that building? Well now you do.
It was within the crypt that Mary Magdalene broke me open. It is in this basilica that her skull is encased in a beautiful reliquary behind an ornate iron, gated barrier.
Now let me preface this by saying, I'm an empath and therefore sensitive to energies surrounding me. However, I am very aware of this and find myself crying infrequently and only on occasions of pure love (as opposed to conditional love) and extreme sadness. Soooo... having the set the stage, hopefully, that I really don't cry at the drop of the hat....
I cried and cried profusely every. single. time. I went into the crypt.
Every time.
We discovered (no we really didn't discover, but were there when shared) that there are two crosses etched into the floor of the crypt. The crosses are Cathar crosses; meaning each 'leg' of the cross is equal length. Balance.
These two specific crosses are the locations where ley lines merge that connect with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. One may lay on the floor (I did multiple times) or stand on one cross at a time. It was during these practices that healing began to take place for all involved. One would lay on the floor while four; it always worked out to four others, would hold space.
Healing and Mary Magdalene
As each goddess took their spot on the center, I was told how to send the energy to not only the one on the floor, but to the group at large. She went onto use me as a conduit to help with a healing session with my new BFF - my roommate. I honestly have no idea what transpired, but she who 'doesn't feel energy' was blown away afterwards.
That makes two of us.
As we boarded the bus later, I had a quiet moment or two and Mary began to offer information for a healing protocol. It is still unfolding, but for those that I've shared it with have come back with the comment of... WOW!
What I have gleaned in a very short amount of time is that Mary Magdalene is not only loving, but powerful beyond your wildest expectations. Once you say yes, she is there with you to support, cajole and push.
If anything, she is constant in her energy. She is very polite... yes I said polite. She often asks me...
Will you say YES?
Once agreed upon, it is non-stop and I for one am extremely glad I've said YES once more and look forward to witness what is created next through her.
The Final Cry...for now
Our next destination for an afternoon was Minerve. It is located in the Occitanie region of France is also the location of a Cathar genocide in 1210. 140 parfaits were killed for they refused to deny their way of life. They were killed in the bottom of the gorge of the town. They were killed there as it would allow the water to carry them away and make it easy on those that did the killing.
For once the herd of 44 people on the tour were quiet as we filed through the village into the gorge. Ironically as horrific as the act was, the gorge was at peace. GREAT peace resides there. Two of our group members, who are excellent singers, shared their gift by serenading us. That is when the tears came forth for the day and, excuse the pun, the catharsis happened.
I felt myself undergoing a healing and the puzzle pieces if not put back together, at least they recognized other puzzle pieces. I offered a healing to the waters that had already healed, probably millions and felt the love wash over me.
We then ventured up the gorge to yet another delicious meal and I felt lighter with each step and more like myself than I had in a few days.
Where will Mary Magdalene lead me next?
In a nutshell... who knows!
I do know I am receiving more and more information from her. We created her essential oil blend that I shared with the tour as a gift and received reviews such as "I'm in Jerusaleum; back in the Holy Land." That in itself was the greatest compliment of them all, so I shan't bother you with more.
Her sigil, I believe is final. It had been evading me for a bit, but now I do believe we have come to an agreement of sorts.
We are beginning a new book, her and I. This is not about her per se, but to bring forth teachings in a loving manner and that I all I can about that for now.
So stay tuned and know whatever is created through her, is created through LOVE. No other energy is needed.
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