Angel Chatter Blog

With today's events brimming over with fear, ego, sadness and yes even hatred, how can anyone find and embrace love and joy? Oh boy. It's not apparently easy, is it? There is an old saying, 'Peace begins with me' It's...
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When signs come in, signs come in! I'm sitting in 'my outdoor office' - aka the screened in porch. A family of Mockingbirds have nested in a pine tree just off the deck. I've witnessed the male and female come...
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Morning Loves! It's the fourth - a Day of Independence here in the US AND it also happens to be the night of the New Moon. New Beginnings are afoot. Let's face it, some new beginnings are...
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Morning Loves! It's the fourth - a Day of Independence here in the US AND it also happens to be the night of the New Moon. New Beginnings are afoot. Let's face it, some new beginnings are...
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Chatterers ~ July 4th is just a few short days away. It also is the night of a New Moon. How fantastic is this?! If you remember, last month the Full Moon was in alignment with the Summer Solstice. This...
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