Stepping Into Grace

Archangel Chamuel Mandala. Angel Chatter/Christine Alexandria

As you are most likely aware by now, the word for 2021 is Grace. 

Grace is an awareness, a state of BEing. It is allowing the energy of the moment to cascade over you and be accepted to be pulled from when needed again as life takes over. 

The Moments that Take Your Breath Away

We've all had moments when we revel in the energy. We'll even use phrases such as 'The energy is palpable'. 'It was tangible.' 'I wish I could bottle it up.'

Any of those sound familiar?

Well the good news is that you can bottle it up metaphorically, if you wish. 

Have you ever encountered a moment in nature that took your breath away?

Perhaps you encountered: 

  • An eagle soaring just overhead
  • A doe with her twins (this has happened each year we have lived our current home)
  • The dew sparkling on a leaf
  • The crunch and sound of snow fall
  • The cadence of the ocean 
  • The sunrise
  • The sunset
  • The galaxy that is over you nightly
  • A rainbow
  • A four leaf clover

Any and all of the above possibilities are moments to treasure and revel in. The best part, is that we can relish in their beauty daily. Yes daily. However, humankind is often so busy in their day to day life, that living isn't experienced, for one is simple surviving at that moment or moments. We then utter phrases such as 'Where did the day go?' 'I can't believe it's ___insert day of week here.    are BIG clues that is much missing. 

Your Daily Grace Challenge

Before your challenge is shared, you may wonder why bother participating and playing with it at all. This is why it is important for you. 

If you feel your life is rushed and aren't getting or achieving the desired results, you are rushing. It is pure and simple and a harsh truth. We have all fallen prey to this at some point in our life. However, as I have prattled on about this topic since the BEginning of the pandemic, we have been and are still BEing given daily opportunities to reflect, to BE, to Love. IF 2020 has a lesson, it is just that; To BE. 

Those that dance with fear and anger as their partner will eventually burn out. Those that live in alternate realities may or may not realize it at some point. Those that dance in Love will remain and return stronger than ever. 

Which do you chose? If you chose Love, please read on. 

As I write this week's blog musing it is snowing outside. My sister and I have been in constant communication of how much the other is getting. We are reveling in the beauty and the peace of this snowfall. This is a moment we are treasuring. We are treasuring it together even if via a phone call in between work meetings. In our brief chat this morning we talked houses and where we will end up. We have figured with our lineage the odds are quite high we will outlive our spouses. It may sound crude, but she and I can have these kinds of conversations. It is the Love we share; for nature, for our families and for life that was instilled in this moment. As I share a snippet with you, tears of love are gathering in the corners of my eyes. 

That is what Grace can offer. Not that we all need to get a good cry out, but to BE still enough to hear, feel and own the moment. 

That is your challenge. To embrace a moment each and every day that moves you. 

I promise they exist and here's a hint; there is more than one!

How to Bring Grace Forward

When you find your moments, allow the energy to seep deep within your psyche. Allow your heart to expand, much like the visual of the Grinch. (we are in the holiday season after all, so play along please). 

Devise your own reminder tool. Perhaps you push your thumbnail into your forefinger. Perhaps you snap your fingers. Perhaps you find your own word or use 'Grace' to remind you when you need that elevation in energy once again. 

These moments remind you simultaneously how small you are while reminding you of your vast energy that is meant to BE shared. For ultimately we are here to share via Acts of Service. Whether it is through voluntary work, coaching, teaching, creating, writing, BEing present, holding space for others, we all have Acts of Service to BE shared with another. 

When Grace has entered, it is easier to do, for we take care of our needs more quickly for we recognize them. If we are taking care of our needs first, we have ample to offer to others without thoughts of reciprocation. We give for the sake of giving. 

Your Next Steps

Pamper. Truly, your next step will BE one of pampering. Pampering relaxes. Pampering nurtures. Pampering is an Act of Self Love that opens the protective shell you have placed around you to allow life to enter. 

Which leads to this week's angel focus:

Enter Chamuel, Angel of Self Love. Why Chamuel? For if you don't love yourself, who will? Who will honor you more than you honor yourself? Who will respect you more than yourself? Who?

True others may come into our lives and offer more than what we are comfortable with, but are often disregarded and pushed away for we do not feel worthy. We may push away via neediness, snarky comments, as well as self deprecating comments to the point of annoyance. How often are we complimented and allow the compliment to BE received without an equally flattering comment BEing returned to the initiator or uttering a self deprecating one about ourselves in some form?


Therefore, your next challenge is to allow yourself to receive a compliment. Simply say 'Thank you', but say it with your heart wide open and allow yourself to truly receive it.

It may be harder to accept all those flattering comments than you think it is. 

For now, I wish you a day, a week, a month, a year filled with Love and of course Grace. 


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