Reflections of 2023, The Year of Healing

Reflections of 2023, The Year of Healing

I've been nudged, wing-slapped, and more to finish the year off 'right' and do an installment of Wisdom Wednesday.


I had let this sacred time slip months ago because, well, healing, ya know? Writing was attempted a few times, but the words felt jumbled and very much akin to a runaway train with no destination in mind.


When The Gang told me over one year ago that 2023 was designated as The Year of Healing, man, oh man, they were not kidding!


Every member of my immediate family incurred some healing adventure, I share here not to dump, but to remind you that we all have stuff to navigate i this adventure called life and that you are not alone, and there are many tools at your disposal to help you navigate, even if it means you do nothing temporarily.


So, more or less in chronological order:

  • They year started with a trip to Jamaica, Mon! It was overshadowed by Honey Guy having a procedure the day before departure and having a terrible reaction to the anesthesia, which didn't leave his body until the day before we returned home. We spent LOTS of time just being, which isn't bad, but we were both concerned with his physical unsteadiness; it wasn't a vacation of pure relaxation. We are so looking forwards to a redo!
  • Dad has outlived his first mitral valve repair! At the young age of 85, it wasn't advisable to go 'all in', so they did a repair that would last him a solid ten years or more. Up to the day before the surgery, he was hedging his bets and was contemplating calling it off. As we sat in a restaurant having one of the most memorable Mexican meals, he glanced out the window, and the church steeple across the street was glowing. There wasn't any weather pattern happening; it was a sign that all would be better than satisfactory, and I could see him calm down immediately. This involved four trips back and forth (two hours one way) to pred and follow up. You're looking at the chauffeur as I drove Mr. & Mrs. Daisy. I was comic relief, sounding board, and chief question asker of the medical staff. After the surgery, Dad went into the life of party mode and enchanted the medical staff who assisted him while he recovered for two days in the hospital.
  • Our eldest has the BrCA gene, which puts her at a higher risk of certain cancers. She bravely opted to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction. Her surgery was over ahead of schedule, and all went well. As she recuperated, we watched countless movies the following week, and I stitched like a crazy person
  • Home I went only to be called back in a few weeks because she now had jaundice. To watch your vital adult child so weak she couldn't walk comfortably a few hundred steps is heart-wrenching. Movies, broth, and lots of stitching once again. 
  • Wedding bells chimed! Our eldest and her beloved married. Unfortunately, the joy and Love that was present were quickly put aside as our youngest began experiencing seizures. Up I went to do what I could for five weeks. I never wish the experience on another of holding your child as they stop momentarily breathing. Another trip to the ER happened in two weeks as the staff scrambled to stabilize her. This journey continues, but we are getting answers. If you are still reading, thank you, but please ask questions if your soul says something is off. The big culprit for her was the steroids being administered for back pain that lowered the potassium levels to very dangerous levels. 
  • Mom had two skin cancer hiccups. That's all they were; hiccups, but still!
I helped, consoled, assisted, cleaned, drove, and stitched like a crazy person, and I still am. There will be many beneficiaries of all this healing stitching on Christmas morning.
Not surprisingly, I began to get burned out. I researched how to help myself and was so tired it was difficult to reach out to ask for help; drive to a massage appointment, and meditation was a nice concept. Sleep was elusive because, you know, the monkey mind. There was such a heaviness in my heart that was a constant companion; I even looked into heart attack symptoms in women because of it. Ps - it's fine.
I contemplated closing Angel Chatter. Not because I didn't LOVE what Angel Chatter stands for and how it helps heal, empower, and inspire, but because I couldn't serve in the capacity you deserve. Every time I was 'this close,' The Gang stepped in and told me to hold off because there was more in store for me, so just sit tight.
Once again, they were right. 
I was led. Stepping more confidently in faith and listening more ardently to their daily wisdom. 
I was led to an energy healer. How? By The Gang, pure and simple. He is perfect for me. On the first visit, the persistent heart pain was gone. The heaviness on the shoulders that had built up over the year of carrying as much as I could so others could heal began to lift.
I slept.
I did less. 
Angel Chatter suffered, but things were brewing and percolating behind the scenes, way behind the scenes, even unbeknownst to me. 
I signed on with a great company to help publish my next book, Perfectly Imperfect, The Art of Loving Yourself. The plan is to release it by the end of 2024. They will help with its publishing and the promotional campaign; it doesn't all rest on my shoulders. Attempts were made earlier in the year to write, but writing takes tremendous energy from all levels, and it quickly became a spinning wheel scenario, so the book was temporarily shelved. We begin anew in January.
I found a hip and cool reader who offered insights that kicked my butt. 
An impromptu reading with one of my students floored me as she tapped into projects nobody knows about that confirmed the direction was superb. 
Relationships healed and became stronger in the process. Friends stepped up in such crazy and amazing ways, dropping everything to stay in our home to take care of Zeke while we were away. Others took Zeke on much-needed daily walks. Another crocheted not one but two prayer shawls. Others checked in on regular schedules to ensure I was holding it together. Family. Family is a source of strength for me; from stopping at my sister's unannounced on the way home from one of the many trips north, they simply hugged and cuddled with me until sleep entered after some soulful and nurturing feeding. My sister, my twin, who is eight years younger, and I are making firm plans to walk the Camino in the fall of 2024.
To prove that I wasn't completely inept, The Gang prompted a new portal birthing. It was formed to help those stuck in the magical woods near our home so they could go Home when ready. A location near the portal was also included so they could gather in peace to rest and heal before their last venture into the Light. We have ancient beings, many enslaved people, soldiers, and Native Americans in our woods. This is important because it reminded me of the power within and how easy it can be to serve even when not many know what is happening. All they know is that it feels lighter. You can serve in many ways, such as this: a smile for another as you go about your day. Please don't attempt to form a portal; this takes training and a vast army of divine beings to assist.
Meditation was rediscovered and has become a daily non-negotiable before coffee, yes - before coffee! Profound insights are offered during this sacred time; a gauge of personal energy is received, and a vague outline of what could be accomplished is shared, as well as ideas and concepts for the future. 
Yoga was there but not practiced. That is part of next year's practice to help stretch the physical body and release deep-seated pain that has woven its way into the fibers of the muscles and fascia. Quick yoga flows and fascia releases were attempted to offer relief, but none adhered to for long. It required too much energy at that moment. However, it's the movement that is important. Find your flow when you are exhausted; yoga and tai chi are examples. The gentleness is restorative, while the stretching and the honored time spent with you are priceless.
The healing practices and the time spent in the figurative cave were beginning to make sense, and the light was beginning to glow on the horizon.
Two new mentees signed on. They patiently waited until I was energetically ready, and we began in earnest in 2024. Current mentees told me to take care of myself; they weren't going anywhere, and they knew that when I came back, it would be better than ever. 
Two new students joined us in The BE You Program. They had been stalking it for years, and finally, it was time for them to dance with angels and remember their true essence.
I get to work with the very best of clients and students.
Dates are becoming firm for our VIP Weekends, and two metaphysical shows are planned for 2024. 
A new healing modality has crept in through osmosis of some form. It is subtly quite powerful. A client who had been experiencing long-term familial dysfunction reported that after one session, she was able to have a rational conversation with her parent and got the results needed. It's that powerful.
Powerful Takeaways:
The trip to Egypt didn't happen for me. As disappointing as this was in the moment, I am relieved in hindsight. Two family members had medical procedures scheduled days before departure, and it was unknown how things would land; the family called. (Both procedures and surgeries went swimmingly well) Besides, exhaustion was tapping me on the shoulders, and rest was needed more than I realized. Magic will happen in divine timing, and there are two trips planned in 2024, but I have a feeling there will be more.
So, as we close The Year of Healing on the calendar, know it will never be entirely over or done. Even in death, the learning continues for those who cross over and those who remain. It's part of our karmic path. Hopefully, your year has not been as busy in this arena, but you were prompted into healing so you may enter more joyfully into 2024, The Year of Harmony. Remember, healing happens on all levels: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Having gone through what we have gone through this past year, I know that each day is a true gift and is never to be taken for granted. There are days when sweatpants beckon and nothing physical happens, but trust me, there is much happening in the background, as long as you are aware of what you desire and why you desire it to BE part of your life. 
Going forward bravely, with higher self-confidence, and filled with a deep well of Love for all humanity, I look forward to serving you as we walk this path together. 

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