Ready, Set, RESET

It's here, The Super Snow Moon of 2019!
Yes, while it was officially on February 18, 2019, the energies continue to be prime for you to say YES... to you.
Will you?
I know, I know, I'm sounding like a broken record, but until who are in my universe say YES to themselves, you will continue to see and hear this question from me. Why is this so important to me? Because it is one of the things I live for; inspiring another to BE. BE themselves because they have said YES and meant every single letter of that blessed three little word.
What does the Super Snow Moon Represent?
This specific full moon continues to build on the energies that began in the last quarter of 2018. This moon is the fourth consecutive full moon to be at zero degrees. What does this mean for you? Resetting. We are at Ground Zero in a manner of speaking, rising from the ashes to blossom and shine like never before.
This super glorious moon builds on the New Moon that coincided with the Chinese New Year... talk about resetting! Resetting in The Breakthrough Year! Are you BEginning to see a theme?
It is the perfect time to howl out your desires and reset.
What requires resetting in your life? Only you can truthfully answer that question. However, let's address the major categories to get you to BEgin anew... why? Because what you do or don't do now sets the stage for your future; immediate and long term.
Relationships that require resetting
There are many kinds of relationships; romantic, social, business, family. However, have you thought that you have a relationship with money, food, and health? It's all about relationships. What does each relationship offer to you? Yes you. If you are eating a bowl of mashed potatoes, what does it offer you? Sure it's yummy fluffiness with melted butter and more, but how does it support you and your soul? It may feel great going down, but certainly in the long run; mashed potatoes, I am sorry to say, offer no fuel.
Why now? All energy is super-charged at this exact moment. ALL. In our Facebook Group, many are undergoing major life changes and it certainly runs the gamut; jobs, deaths, illness (of self and/or loved ones), near death experiences and more. Want some ongoing support? Join us! You'll be welcomed with open wings, but one must ask to join.
In order to release, one must detach. Detach from the drama and the energy that 'it' holds. This includes stuff. You know, the stuff that is in your sacred space; papers, clothes, decor, books, etc. Just this past weekend my husband and I cleared our closet. I didn't think there would be much coming from my side since I regularly clear out; I was there more as support for him. Little did I know what I was still holding onto! We ultimately had FIVE BAGS of clothing that immediately was donated; two of which held my stuff.
It's the detachment knowing one will never wear that outfit again and it's time to pass it on for another to enjoy. It's the detachment of the releasing that is the empowering act. Why now is there an urgency now?
You are planting seeds for your future. Seeds must have space to germinate, take root and grow.
Super Snow Moon and Your Future
As you release each article, relationship, thought process, I highly recommend you give it thanks for supporting you no matter how short it was in your life. Why bother? Let me tell you a story. We were at a consignment store years ago. They had not one, but two pairs of Lucchese boots for sale; both in our size. We really didn't need them nor had any plans of ever wearing them, but they signified prosperity for at full retail they go easily over $500 a pair. Purchase we did. Gather dust they did. They are now released from us so someone who can adore and wear them will do so with pride. By releasing them, we gave back and gave to ourselves to allow the kind of prosperous articles to enter our life that we love.
Just today I went to the salon and well did salon things. My stylist is an amazing goddess, full of goodness, great ideas and more. She had allowed a fellow worker to tend to her hair with great dissatisfaction; her hair was now fried. This goddess is ready, oh so ready to step into her power and own her very own salon. She was quickly talked into getting her hair cut to better reflect her true essence, not what another thought would 'look good on her'.
The power of releasing is based on making room for what is better suited to enter, but ultimately is a more true representation of whom you are.
Reset and Soar with the Angels
As you are now perhaps giddy to release stuff and more, which direction shall you go? How will you continue to say YES to you? It's time to chat, with the angels of course.
Start with Archangel Auriel, The Lunar Angel. Light up her candle and embrace the brilliance and energy of this moon. Invoke the energies of this moon into your BEing to help you say YES and BEcome proactive every single day on living the life you desire.
Archangel Auriel's Mandala
Still not sure where to start with this whole releasing and resetting game? Chat with Archangel Zadkiel, the Angel of Transmutation. He can and will not only clear your space energetically, better than any sage, but will gladly illuminate for you what needs to clear from any given room, mindset and more. I always find it beneficial when his candle is lit which often is while I'm working; I find it helps me to focus more and not submit to any shiny moments. By recognizing what needs to go, one is better fortified to reset.
Archangel Zadkiel's Mandala
Lastly I recommend you chat with Archangel Haniel, the Angel of Manifestation. If you are not sure of what you do want any more (and you would not be alone if one is being truthful), chatting with Haniel is beneficial. She will help remind you of your whys. Why you desire this or that, or any given relationship and much more.
Achangel Haniel's Mandala
In closing, are you ready to say YES and mean it? Are you ready to dump, discard, donate stuff because you now know it is stuff? Are you ready to BE rid of what no longer serves you so you can completely shout out YES and take steps daily to live the life you desire?
I hope so and this is the moon to kick all into higher gear.
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