Ramblings of an Angel Goddess...

Ramblings of an Angel Goddess... - Angel Chatter

Trust is such a funny thing, isn't it?

We can trust that as long as we've paid our bills that lights go and off. We don't even that a second thought really.

We trust when we go to a restaurant, no matter how much stars it's rated, that our order will arrive exactly as we requested.

We trust that when shoes are purchased, it is for one pair and a left and right are in the box.

Then the trust begins to waver the more personal it gets.

We hope that another loves us if we love them.

We hope we get hugged back.

We hope to purchase the winning lottery ticket

We hope and dream about manifesting our deepest desires

We hope and dream ...

Why is that? Why can't everyone achieve their desires? 

It's a two-fold answer sadly; low self worth and not trusting it can happen to them.


As you well know, change is a constant. You literally grow; as a result your clothing sizes have changed over the years. Your tastes change. I'm even going to go out on a limb and say you've moved at least once in your lifetime.


As change is a way of life, our sense of worth changes along with it. Have a few bad romantic relationships? One begins to think it doesn't exist except in the movies. Trust me, it DOES exist; you may not have met them yet as your true self is yet to fully emerge (Chat with Uriel and ask Why is it safe for me to be me?). Employment is another; not feeling satisfied at your job or employed, one may think they don't deserve better over time. Trust me, you deserve MUCH better (Why is it so easy for me to have my perfect job?). If you aren't excited about your job most days, then please start looking for another. Look dreamily at those homes on HGTV or covet another's 'luck'? You deserve the home of YOUR dreams; it may take a while, but trust me, it's worth it. I've lived in many houses over my life and have loved them all for what happened there (memories), but now LOVE living in our New Digs more than any other place. (Why is it so easy for me to live in my dream home?)

It's a bit of learning about yourself; okay a LOT of learning about yourself. What do you really desire? What kind of life do you wish? Do you wish a fast-paced city kind of life or something at the other end of the spectrum say perhaps on a deserted island or something in between? Take your time answering this one. It's bigger than you may think.

Once you figure that out, look at a map. Which area calls to you? Why not explore it? Perhaps start as a vacation or a day trip. Investigate via the internet and their Chamber of Commerce, etc. When this information is being compiled, does this area still call to you? How can you make it happen? Start applying for jobs at this new locale is one way. Start clutter clearing. This signifies to The Gang that you are no longer complacent and are ready for change. You may even start packing boxes.

Write a journal entry dated five years from now. Imagine you are living that life. Describe your day from start to finish. Feel the excitement upon awakening in your dream home. Feel the giddiness that you are living the dream.

Simply because you trusted in your hopes and dreams and the change it would bring and embraced it all by knowing you are worthy.


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  • Vicki Simpson

    Thank you for the insights…. especially the job related one…. not only am I not excited about my job, most days I dread it. Definitely need to asking for my perfect job. Time for a change!

  • Blake

    Many great points. Really enjoyed this column or blog. Gaining a lot of insights from it. Thank you

  • RUth Ann

    Thanks Chris for this one! It’s been a tough week. I know with prayer and asking for help from the guys and soon more warm weather I’ll be fine.Been working on my Angel Chatter mini -guide for Angels.’Hugs and kisses

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