Prosperity in 5D

Prosperity in 5D - Angel Chatter

Let's put this to rest right now.

You CAN be spiritual, a complete woo-woo goddess and still BE prosperous.

Just because you walk a spiritual path does not mean you also took a vow of poverty.

Unless, of course, you desire to do so. 

Did this trigger something? I hope so because I know so many fabulous spiritual people out there and so many of them are struggling financially.

In your heart you understand this concept, but in the physical form? Not so much.

5D? What is this?

Let's back up a bit. It's never my intention to make anyone feel less than by 'talking over their heads'.

Therefore, the definition of 5D, The Fifth Dimension, as The Gang has given it to me goes as follows:

Living in the 5th Dimension - As Channeled by The Gang

Living in the 5th Dimension is a place of beauty, openness, vulnerability, love. 

It is a place of compassion, support, comfort.

It is a place where one begins to own the concept and energy of BEing.

It is not a place of struggle.

Nor is it a place of competition.

The ego steps aside permitting you to rise above the fray to see the larger picture of any situation you desire. 

It is not blocks that requiring clearing, but it is the pain incurred in lives past as well as in this present life that show themselves to you for recognition, love, and through that love the healing begins. 

Repeat, there are no blocks in the 5th Dimension. Blocks are the version of the 3D control and excuse. 

All that is presented 'to' you is for your spiritual growth. Once you have embraced that knowledge, you will then better understand that money is simply energy and can then flow more easily into your life and stay. 

Once you embrace that everything happens for you, life becomes the adventure it is destined to BE. Nothing was written into your contract that would prevent you from living a 'dreamy life' as Christine calls it. In 3D choices were made that altered your path.

This is not a judgment, for we do not judge. It is merely an observation of what has happened. 


You have the choice, a pivotal choice to shift higher.

Living in the 5th Dimension is one of collaboration, support. You support others, even if they are in your field of choice. YOU are equally supported by others and of course by us and beyond.

Therefore, if you desire more money, it is time to stop The Blame Game and alter your path. 

For you may have all you desire.


Prosperity in 5D

As The Gang shared, nothing in your contract is preventing you from living your Dreamy Life

With the exception of mindsets that have been gently programmed into your 3D psyche that says you can't. That's so untrue. YOU CAN. 

I've been saying for years that this is what I excel in; helping you to love yourself more; embrace your spiritual side.

Guess where it all starts?

It ALL starts with honoring and loving self more. It really is the best love story of all time. 

Loving you.

It is not greedy. It is not selfish. It IS imperative. 

The more you love yourself, the more easily you recognize those past pains as they arise and address them, with love of course. The more you realize you are not an imposter, but a beautiful and genuine soul who deserves their desires to not only manifest, but to live those manifestations in real time. 

Your Call to Action

The first and easiest is to join us in sacred space, this week and this week only in The BEing You Experience on Facebook. We are meeting LIVE daily at 4pm and as long as the group is open, it is not too late to join in. The LIVES are recorded. You have a pdf as my gift to you daily and a video that accompanies it. 

It's time to make that pivotal change and take your destiny into your heart. I look forward to seeing you in there and here's a tease- I'm giving away a gift every single day! The glitch? YOU must be present to win. 


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