Mindfulness ... what is YOUR practice?

Mindfulness ... what is YOUR practice? - Angel Chatter

As we continue to head in a seemingly downward spiral, it is easy to get off track and fall headfirst into whatever drama is being presented to you whether it is global, social or private. 

It's easy to go to bed with a headache or feelings of frustration or fear.

I'm not saying ignore what is being presented. What we (the angels and I) are suggesting is that you take a literal step back and practice mindfulness. By being more mindful, extraordinary events can take place.

By being mindful, you are aware of the world around you and that also means aware of the solutions that may be hidden from you if you are not practicing mindfulness. When one is present, one can see all, but does not 'own' it as theirs. THIS little switch can make all the difference in the world; your world.

How to practice mindfulness? This does not mean you begin to emulate the Dalai Lama and meditate for hours on end. As an example, I've recently re-discovered yoga. I'm going three times a week and was only able to attend once last week; my inner equilibrium missed it terribly and it affected my entire being. By taking yoga off the mat, my patience and tolerance for ALL expands. My love for ALL expands. There are many yoga modalities. If this intrigues you, find one that suits your schedule, your energy and your physicality.

Be sure you are eating properly for YOU. If you've been with me for a bit, you know I don't promote any one particular food lifestyle. Some folks needs meat. Some folks don't. It's that simple. However, we can all agree that consuming a container of Ben & Jerry's ice cream is not the best course of empowering action. Right? Ask each food how it benefits you. Bless the food each time you eat. A simple thank you goes a long way.

Lighting a candle with intention helps to shift the energy of any space. Of course I prefer my candles. They are already infused with angelic energies, but if you don't have any on hand, get a new candle and as you hold it, put energies of one emotion in. Perhaps love. Perhaps transmutation. Perhaps health. Perhaps...

Daily meditating is of course high on the list. Your meditation practice need not be hours. But rather 15 minutes or so will get you started living life with greater clarity, love, joy and the ability to rise above the fray.

Spending time with like-minded souls is lovely... ONLY IF it does feed the Fear Monster. That only exacerbates the situation and will have you feeling more drained and confused quicker than you can turn around. 

What other ways do you already practice mindfulness?

What other ways have intrigued you?

Share below in the comments. I would love to hear from you.




1 comment

  • Nancy

    Thank you, I loved how this unfolded as I read through the information you shared. Applicable to real life, doable, really good read ?

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