Mercury is revving up its last dance for 2017

While Mercury does not officially go 'backwards' (retrograde) until December 3, it appears it is already affecting many via their energy levels, sensitivities and oh so much more.
Me too.
While I can certainly lay the tiredness completely at my feet with the crazy schedule we took on this past fall, but that is just not it completely. Otherwise I would be the only one doing the Weary Dance.
Many may lay claim to the vast amount of richer food eaten over the holiday weekend...Guilty here too. We love the holidays in our home; playing games, nibbling, laughing, cavorting, yelling at football teams, drinking and more.
However, that is not the only culprit either.
Oh, so is Mercury doing its dance a bit early? Think so. Before you start panicking and desiring to put the pillow over your head until December 22, think of it this way.
Mercury in Retrograde is a gift.
Yes you read correctly, a gift.
You see, when Mercury does go retrograde, it is a golden moment to ponder, reflect and learn. We've ALL done stuff we aren't proud of. It's part of the Human Dance. Now is the time to reflect on how you may address a similar situation. Perhaps you would be a bit more non-judgmental. Perhaps you would be a bit more loving (especially towards self) Perhaps...
Mercury in Retrograde is great at triggering emotions and bringing them to the surface. You know those 'things' that we think are long forgotten, but are really just under the surface waiting for the opportunity to pop so they may heal. Through that healing we are given another opportunity to love on ourselves a bit more. This is a golden opportunity to sit quietly. Is it a real fear or imaginary fear? Certainly walking down a dark alley at night is not the best choice (legitimate fear). Compare it to feelings of lack. While that may certainly feel real, it's more of a thought pattern vs. a real threat to your existence. Can you see the difference between the two?
You don't have to find the initial time it happened in order for it to heal completely, but sit with that pattern from a non-judgmental viewing box. You will begin to realize that exists mostly in your mind which can keep you stuck and immobile. Now is the time to softly release it through your acknowledgment of it and let love flow more freely.
Remember, nobody gets a ribbon if they get to the finish line first (death). It is truly about the journey and how each turn is handled; with fear or with love.
The choice is yours.
This Mercury in Retrograde has many of the earmarks of offering all sorts of these kinds of situations.
Lovely, just what I NEED (like a hole in the head) you're thinking.
Yes, just what you need. Remember, 2017 is The Year of Transparency. This is the last hurrah to BE transparent with yourself. What do you desire? How do you truly wish to live? If you aren't truthful with yourself, how can you expect others to follow suit?
This, once more (feeling like a broken record here) sets the stage for 2018, The Year of Love.
It is time to LOVE yourself more.
It is time for LOVE to win.
It is time for LOVE to prevail.
Thanks Mercury in Retrograde!
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