Let's make a pact....

Today is February 1 - This month we have pretty much decided to dedicate it to LOVE and it is evident in a variety of ways:
- Heart-shaped boxes filled with yummy chocolates
- St. Valentines Day
- More couples profess their love in February and get engaged (including yours truly)
- and so on
Hearts are everywhere! In fact, we went out to brunch with my sis and her honey just last weekend and I've never seen a restaurant so decked out for Valentines Day. Hearts were everywhere! From the ceilings, the windows and mirrors. It was very beautiful, but WOW!
I digress, which is fairly easy for me to do at times.
Today, being February 1 and The Month of Love...let's make a pact, you and I.
Let's focus on ourselves! Yes, you read correctly. Focus on SELF first. I've been chatting LOADS with Chamuel lately; you know, The Angel of Self Love. She constantly reminds me to take it easy with a variety of ideas; baths, naps, walks with Gabi, bed earlier (yet to accomplish that one) and reading a book - just for the fun of it. Why?
Because loving yourself first isn't selfish, it's imperative!
Read that again. It IS imperative. Why? Because as you refuel your body, mind and soul, you become more energized. When you are more energized, you have more to give. Play with me for a moment, have you ever notice how many more 'idiots' there are in the world when you are tired? Me too. They aren't idiots at all, and you know this deep down. You, darling, are what is called overtired, tapped out and running on fumes. There simply isn't enough coffee in the world to keep you going and staying in your happy place.
So let's make a pact. Every. single. day. in the month of February you do something for YOU. The list is as long as it is varied. Here are some ideas and I would LOVE to hear of some of yours.
- Nap
- Bubble Bath
- Say NO and stick to it
- Say YES with glee and mean it
- Meditate
- Exercise
- Hug someone for 30 seconds or longer ~ HEART TO HEART
- Sit with some rose quartz crystals - heart shaped of course ;)
- Place your hands over your heart and say, "I Love You."
- and _________________________ you fill in the blanks
Here's to Self Love! Remember:
Great ideas here, which I’m going to try to do – i’m sure i’ll feel the benefit. Thanks Christine xx
What a month January was! Woke up at now the old job that wasn’t honoring me and released it. Went on a Caribbean cruise with my husband and jump started my life with a new exciting job and renewed vitality in getting my own business flying solo! Woohoo! Hello my beautiful self!
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